2424 results

Campaign Preview? Clinton and Christie Spar Over Early Voting in New Jersey

The 2016 presidential election is still 17 months away, but the campaign already is in the silly season.

New Polls Shows Overwhelming Majority of Americans Support Money in Politics Solutions

A poll released by The New York Times and CBS News today shows that more than 80% of Americans support fundamental change or a complete overhaul of the way political campaigns are funded. The survey found majorities of both Republicans and Democrats favor strong campaign finance reforms, including:

The Importance of the New Motor Voter Bill

Voting is the foundation of our democracy. When there exists impediments to voting, it is of the utmost importance they be removed.

Bipartisan Group of North Carolina Legislators Renew Push for Fair Redistricting

Republicans and Democrats join forces in Raleigh to push proposals to reform redistricting and end gerrymandering in North Carolina.

Bipartisan Former Mayors Urge New North Carolina General Assembly to Pass Fair Redistricting Bill

Richard Vinroot, a Republican former mayor of Charlotte, and Charles Meeker, a Democratic former mayor of Raleigh, joined forces in a Charlotte Observer op-ed to call on the North Carolina General Assembly to end partisan gerrymandering.

Kürzlich veröffentlichte E-Mails beschreiben Strategie für illegales Gerrymandering in Florida

Der Oberste Gerichtshof von Florida hat die Veröffentlichung von 528 Seiten an E-Mails angeordnet, die zwischen parteipolitischen Beratern und Staatsbeamten ausgetauscht wurden. Darin wurde eine Strategie zur illegalen Manipulation der Wahlkreise des Staates beschrieben.

4th U.S Circuit Court Ruling News Reports from around NC.

News clips on the 4th Circuit decision

Great news for Tarheel voters

A federal appeals court delivered some great news to North Carolina voters this afternoon: they’ll be able to register and vote on the same day for the mid-term election!

New ‘Risk Limiting’ Audits Promise More Accurate Vote Counts

Arapahoe County, CO, has successfully tested a new risk limiting audit to verify election returns

New ALEC Chair Received Thousands In Corporate-Financed Junkets

A Texas legislator chosen to head ALEC has ties to energy interests and the Koch bfothers



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