2424 results

Newly Released Documents Put Scott Walker in the Hot Seat

Documents unsealed Thursday by a federal appeals court in Chicago suggest that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign in the 2012 recall election worked hand-in-glove – perhaps illegally – with special interest groups.

A dollop of good news from the FCC

Newspaper Editorials: “Public records need to be available to its citizenry”

Sanierung der öffentlichen Finanzen in New Mexico

Viki Harrison von Common Cause New Mexico berichtet über unseren jüngsten Sieg im Kampf gegen Geld aus der Politik

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly — A Newbie’s Review

IRS Will Take A New Pass At Rules for “Social Welfare” Groups

Koch Bros Cannot Buy Tribune Newspapers

LA Daily News Editorial: Disclose donors – State Senate bill would close nonprofit loophole

It took $11 million dollars to get the Legislature's attention. LA Daily News editorializes on the need for stronger campaign disclosure laws in California. Common Cause is at the front lines pushing for legislation to close loopholes and to shine a light on dark money.

Let’s Have Quick Action on the New Voting Rights Act

“New Nullification” Report Highlights Senate’s Dysfunction



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