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Newsweek: How MAGA Election Watchers Are Scaring Away Voters

Suzanne Almeida, the director of state operations at nonpartisan watchdog Common Cause, agreed. "It's obviously something we're concerned about. Everyone has the right to vote free from intimidation [...] but this isn't a national wave of people who are armed at ballot boxes," Almeida told Newsweek.

"As we are talking about it, if we are thinking there are armed people at drop boxes everywhere, it's going to make it less likely for voters to vote," she said. That is "doing the job of the folks who want to be intimidating for...

New York Times: Letters, Tweets, TV: How Midterm Disinformation Has Washed Over Pennsylvania

Jill Greene, the state representative for Common Cause, the national good-government organization, said that the many unfounded and untruthful claims posed a challenge for voters.

“They don’t really know what to believe,” she said.

Inside Sources/Tribune News Service (Op-Ed): MAGA Republicans Plot to Nationalize Voter Suppression

Although significant attention has focused on the more than 400 anti-voter bills introduced (several dozen of which have become law) in state legislatures since the insurrection, some federal bills also portend a dangerous trend. Congressional Republicans have introduced more than 30 anti-voter bills since the insurrection that have largely gone unnoticed. These anti-voter bills telegraph what congressional MAGA Republicans would like to do: make it harder for certain Americans to vote.

New York Times: Running Against Hochul, Lee Zeldin Finds Another Target: Alvin Bragg

Mr. Zeldin’s pledge to push him out “is an authoritarian move,” said Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause New York, a good government advocacy group. “If the voters recall a D.A., that’s the will of the voters. But for some other entity to override the will of the voters is antithetical to our system of governance.”

Los Angeles Times/Tribune News Service: Mail voting was having a moment. Then came Trump’s false fraud claims

"It felt very much like the national effort to vilify and stop absentee voting," said Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause New York, a good government advocacy group.

The New Yorker: The Conservative Stalwart Challenging the Far-Right Legal Theory That Could Subvert American Democracy

Luttig, undeterred, praised his new legal bedfellows. “I’m honored to be co-counsel representing Common Cause in Moore v. Harper,” he told me. He described Katyal as a “dear friend,” and “one of the very finest Supreme Court advocates and originalist constitutional scholars in the country today.” As for the case, Luttig said, “Common Cause and the other respondents are not only on the side of the Constitution of the United States—they are also on the side of the angels.” 

Dallas Morning News: Misinformation will be rampant this election cycle. Here’s what voters should look out for

“We certainly know elections can, and have been, and will be again decided by a handful of votes, so anything that affects voters has the potential to change the outcome,” said Jesse Littlewood, vice president of campaigns at Common Cause, an advocacy organization whose efforts include fighting mis- and disinformation.

“That would include voter myths or disinformation which could either cause the voter to miss the chance to participate because they believed incorrect information, or cause them to not participate at all...

States Newsroom/Pennsylvania Capital-Star: U.S. Supreme Court to consider case that could radically reshape the country’s elections

“Our government will be run by and for the politicians, not the people,” said Suzanne Almeida, Common Cause’s director of state operations, during a Wednesday conference call with reporters. “The danger is not just that partisan political leaders will handpick winners and losers … It’s that we the people will no longer have a fully representative government.”

Center for Public Integrity: New Mexico makes it easier to register to vote

“With this still being a new method of registration, it will take a few years to see a statistical impact that can be analyzed,” said Mario Jimenez, campaign director at Common Cause New Mexico. “During the 2022 primary election, New Mexico saw over 10,000 residents utilize same-day voter registration. A number that is sure to grow during the 2024 presidential election year.”

Newsweek: Clarence Thomas versäumte es, das Nebeneinkommen seiner Frau Ginni in Höhe von $680k zu erwähnen

Die Rechtsprofessorin Michele Goodwin teilte den 2011 erschienenen Artikel der Los Angeles Times am Montag auf Twitter und markierte dabei Common Cause, die Watchdog-Gruppe, die ursprünglich über Thomas‘ Versäumnis berichtet hatte, die Einkünfte seiner Frau aus der Heritage Foundation offenzulegen.

Common Cause retweetete Goodwin und schrieb: „Wir haben die Offenlegungsunterlagen von Richter Thomas vor Jahren überprüft und festgestellt, dass er das Einkommen seiner Frau ($686.589) aus der Heritage Foundation nicht offengelegt hat. Wir werden Ginni Thomas weiterhin zur Rede stellen, bis wir einen ethischen Obersten Gerichtshof haben.“



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