2424 results

Bloomberg Government: New York’s Redistricting Master Holds Key to Congressional Power

Susan Lerner, executive director of Common Cause New York, said she would have preferred a citizens commission over a special master. Despite that, “the background of this particular special master, his experience in other states indicates that we think he is a reasonable choice,” she said.

Neuer Bericht: The Atlanta Way: Cop City und Pay-to-Play

Neuer Kongressbericht legt Grundstein für die Reparatur und Stärkung des Wahlrechtsgesetzes

Arizona: Neue umfassende Anti-Wahlgesetzgebung geht an den Senat

Heute hat der Wahlausschuss des Senats von Arizona für die Annahme des Gesetzes HCR2056 mit einem Änderungsantrag gestimmt, der die Abstimmungs- und Wahlprozesse des Staates demontieren soll. Das Gesetz und seine Änderungen wurden mit 4:3 Stimmen auf Seiten der Parteien angenommen und stehen nun zur Abstimmung an.

New Report Provides Blueprint for Fair Voting Maps in 2030

“We’ve brought independent redistricting to communities big and small, and the outcome has consistently been fair maps for the voters” said Dan Vicuña, Common Cause Director of Redistricting & Representation.

Neuer Bericht: Die ersten 15 Jahre des Office of Congressional Ethics – Erfolge, Überleben und Empfehlungen

As the Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) marks its first 15 years, Common Cause is releasing, “The Little Engine that Could,” a short analysis examining the watchdog’s impact in the House of Representative. The report looks at the history behind the creation of the OCE, its successful nonpartisan record, and the most serious attempts by House Members to undermine or do away with the watchdog entirely. The report also suggests reforms, like codifying the OCE into law and giving it subpoena power, to further strengthen the independent...

New Poll: Majority of Youth Ready to Make an Impact in 2024 Election

“Young people know the power that comes with voting, and they are determined to show up to the polls,” said Alyssa Canty, Common Cause Director of Youth Programs.

Neuer Bericht aus 50 Staaten stellt massive Versäumnisse bei der Neugliederung der Wahlbezirke fest

Eine Koalition nationaler Organisationen, die sich für eine stärkere Demokratie einsetzen, hat heute einen Bericht veröffentlicht, in dem die Bemühungen zur Neugliederung der Wahlbezirke in allen 50 Bundesstaaten bewertet werden. Nur zwei Bundesstaaten erhielten die Note „A“, während 20 Bundesstaaten aufgrund mangelnder Transparenz, Möglichkeiten zur öffentlichen Beteiligung, Überparteilichkeit und Stärkung der Rolle der farbigen Bevölkerung die Note „D“ oder „F“ erhielten. 

New Report on 2022 Election Disinformation Looks Ahead to 2024

As social media platforms drastically scale back efforts to control the expanding threat of election disinformation, a new report from Common Cause takes a look at efforts to combat the rampant problem in 2022 and previews what to expect in 2024. “Under the Microscope: Election Disinformation in 2022 And What We Learned for 2024” examines the preparations and what we saw during the midterms and looks at how to apply lessons to the already unfolding race for the White House. And finally the reports points to existing and proposed...

New Report: Trump’s Big Lie made judiciary a target

“Courts and judges play an important role in American democracy and should not have to fear violence for doing their job,” said Marilyn Carpinteyro, Common Cause interim co-president. “This report highlights why it’s so crucial that the courts and judges can enforce the law fairly and safely. Those in places of power—especially the president of the United States—have a responsibility to ensure judges can do their jobs free of intimidation.”



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