2424 results

Torture whistleblowers commended by Common Cause, President Carter and high-ranking military officials

Common Cause Commends Rand Paul Statement on Voter ID, Urges Him to Support Voting Rights Amendment Act

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has opened an important door for himself and his fellow Republicans by calling on the party to end its national campaign for tougher voter identification laws, Common Cause said today

HuffPost: How The Eviction Crisis Could Compound Voter Suppression Come November

“These problems have always existed. They have just been limited to mostly low-income Black and Brown voters,” said Sylvia Albert, Director of Voting and Elections at pro-democracy organization Common Cause. “That population [of people being evicted] has ballooned in the current crisis, and what it exposes is how some parts of our system are not responsive to the needs of the voters.” ...

The additional hurdles of a pandemic and an eviction crisis haven’t discouraged people’s interest in voting, Albert said. 

Tallahassee Democrat/Gannett: Common Cause files complaint against Matt Gaetz, Collier Merrill about full disclosure

The Common Cause complaint notes that the criminal code “prohibits anyone in any matter within the jurisdiction of the legislative branch of the federal government from knowingly and willfully:

“Falsifying, concealing, or covering up a material fact; making any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation or making or using any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry.”

Violations of the criminal code...

Gemeinsame Kommentare zur Regelsetzung der FEC für Milliardärstransfers

Am 31. August 2020 reichte Common Cause Kommentare ein, in denen die Federal Election Commission (FEC) aufgefordert wurde, ein gesetzgeberisches Verfahren einzuleiten, um eine Regelung zu verabschieden, die es Milliardären wie Michael Bloomberg verbietet, die bundesgesetzlichen Beschränkungen für Spenden an Parteiausschüsse zu umgehen, indem sie Gelder über ihre eigenen Wahlkampfausschüsse leiten. Bloombergs Spende von $18 Millionen an das Democratic National Committee – und Hunderttausende von Dollar in Form von Sachspenden an staatliche Parteiausschüsse der Demokraten – aus seiner selbst finanzierten Präsidentschaftskampagne...

Common Cause gegen Trump (Beschwerde des Justizministeriums von Georgia wegen Wahlmanipulation)

Am 10. März reichten Common Cause und Common Cause Georgia beim US-Justizministerium (DOJ) eine Beschwerde ein und forderten eine Untersuchung darüber, ob der damalige Präsident Donald J. Trump, Senator Lindsey Graham, Rudolph W. Giuliani und andere gegen mehrere Bundesgesetze verstoßen hätten, als sie versuchten, das Ergebnis der Präsidentschaftswahlen in Georgia durch ein einstündiges Telefonat mit Raffensperger am 2. Januar sowie durch weitere Ereignisse und Kommunikationen mit Beamten des Staates Georgia zu kippen.

Common Cause and Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Call on Jack Dorsey of Twitter to Stop Disinformation Spread

“Voter Fraud” Commissioner Charges Commission With Fraud

It looks this morning like at least one member of President Trump’s “election integrity” commission has come to the realization that the whole thing is a sham.

Common Cause, Allies, File Amended Complaints Against Trump Jr., Kushner, Manafort

The expanding web of campaign finance law violations growing out of the Trump for President campaign’s apparent solicitation of help from the Russian government has snared presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner and former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort, Common Cause and two allied groups charged today.

Common Cause PA Makes the Case for Fair and Transparent Redistricting to Legislative Committee

Common Cause Pennsylvania Senior Advisor and Fair Districts PA Co-Chair Barry Kauffman urged committee members to support HB-1835, a bill that would create an independent citizen redistricting commission to draw districts using nonpartisan standards.



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