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Common Cause, SCSJ Detail Legal Strategy to Protect Democracy in Upcoming SCOTUS Case

There is no legal basis to upend our nation's long-standing system of having checks and balances in place for our elections processes.

MEDIENMITTEILUNG: Common Cause und SCJS halten Medienbriefing zur Rechtsstrategie für Moore v. Harper ab 

Am Donnerstag, den 27. Oktober um 13:00 Uhr EST werden Common Cause und die Southern Coalition for Social Justice eine Pressekonferenz abhalten, um die rechtlichen Argumente und die Strategie hinter dem Kampf zur Verteidigung unserer Demokratie in Moore v. Harper zu diskutieren.

Common Cause, SCSJ File Brief in Moore v. Harper Upholding Checks and Balances in Nation’s Elections

Common Cause and Southern Coalition for Social Justice filed their Supreme Court brief upholding the role of checks and balances in elections.

Common Cause Applauds DC Council Passage of Pro-Voter Bill

Today, the Council of the District of Columbia unanimously passed the Elections Modernization Amendment Act, which makes permanent several changes implemented in 2020 because of COVID, including: providing all DC registered voters with a postage-prepaid mail in ballot; making permanent the Vote Centers, where any registered DC voter can vote in-person; and making permanent the accessible ballot drop boxes. It also builds on the promise of guaranteeing all citizens in DC the right to vote.

January 6th Committee Subpoena a First Step in Holding Trump and His Associates Accountable

Donald Trump remains a clear and present danger to our democracy. The January 6th Select Committee is right to subpoena the former President. But the Committee has shown clearly that the then-President violated his oath of office and committed crimes for which he must be held accountable.

Common Cause fordert Senatoren auf, mit „Ja“ für die Verabschiedung des DISCLOSE-Gesetzes zu stimmen

Common Cause is urging every member of the U.S. Senate to vote to begin debate on the DISCLOSE Act later this week when the Senate considers the legislation to bring transparency to the secret money groups spending hundreds of millions of dollars to influence our elections. The letter emphasizes that Americans overwhelmingly support legislation to eliminate secret money and cites polling showing that 74% of voters–including strong majorities of Republicans, Independents, and Democrats–favor legislative provisions to provide new...

Common Cause startet nationales Medienprogramm, um die Erfahrungen junger PoCs mit dem amerikanischen politischen System hervorzuheben

WASHINGTON, DC — Die Common Cause Alliance for Emerging Power kündigt „Stories of Democracy“ an, eine nationale Medien- und Journalismusinitiative, die jungen Farbigen die Möglichkeit gibt, ihre einzigartigen Erfahrungen mit dem amerikanischen politischen System mitzuteilen.

Common Cause fordert „Ja“-Stimme für Gesetzentwurf zum Schutz der Volkszählung vor politischer Manipulation und Missbrauch 

Common Cause fordert alle Mitglieder des US-Repräsentantenhauses auf, mit „Ja“ zum Gesetz zur Gewährleistung einer fairen und genauen Volkszählung (HR 8326) zu stimmen, um sicherzustellen, dass künftige Volkszählungen nicht dem beispiellosen Ausmaß an Amtsmissbrauch und Politisierung ausgesetzt sind, das die Volkszählung 2020 geplagt hat. Der Brief betont die entscheidende Bedeutung einer transparenten und genauen Zählung aller Menschen in den Vereinigten Staaten in jedem Jahrzehnt, wie es unsere Verfassung vorschreibt, da diese Zählung die Regierung, die öffentliche Politik und die Haushalte des Landes für eine lange Zeit prägt...

Common Cause Scorecard Charts Lawmaker Support for Pro-Democracy Bills in 117th Congress in Wake of January 6th

As the January 6th Select Committee is reportedly set to hold more hearings this month, and less than two years since January 6th, Common Cause is releasing its 2022 Democracy Scorecard, which tracks the positions of every Member of Congress on issues vital to the health of our democracy during the 117th Congress. Throughout this Congress, members of the House and Senate were notified that various votes on key democracy issues – including many related to January 6th and its aftermath - would be counted in the Scorecard, which will be...

Common Cause Files Response Opposing Proposed Apollo Global Management-Standard General-Tegna Merger

Today, Common Cause joined The NewsGuild-CWA, National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians-CWA, and UCC Media Justice Ministry in filing a Reply, opposing the proposed merger of Apollo Global Management, Standard General L.P., and Tegna Inc. In June, Common Cause filed its original petition to deny the merger.



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