2425 results

Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross Lies About Census 2020 Citizenship Question

After a recent deposition, it appears Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross lied to Congress about the controversial "citizenship question" the Trump Administration wants to add to the 2020 Census.

Gerrymander Gazette: Trial Court Puts Common Cause v. Rucho on Fast Track to Supreme Court

Gerrymander Gazette: Facebook Live on Common Cause v. Rucho

Flake Commits to Probe Kavanaugh on Trump’s Flouting of Rule of Law

Common Cause on All In With Chris Hayes: Cohen Indicates He was Ordered by Trump to Break Law

Robert Reich: Ten Steps to Finding Common Ground

Robert Reich offers advice on engaging political conversations with people we disagree with because democracy depends on it.

Common Cause, Allies Press Pruitt for Legal Fund Details

The embattled Environmental Protection Agency Administrator is the subject of at least 10 ethics investigations by an assortment of federal agencies.

Common Cause National Redistricting Manager Discusses SCOTUS Decisions on Rick Smith Show

Brand Renewal: Common Cause, Amplifying All People’s Voices

Along with our bold and energetic new website, we’ve been updating our overall brand to better connect with democracy activists around the country like you. We welcome a new generation of leaders who, like our new brand, are bold, bright, and lifting all voices in our democracy.

Common Cause, Allies Back Package of Anti-Corruption Bills

"Bold solutions like the ones included in this package are desperately needed to fix our government and bring balance back to our democracy" - Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn.



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