2423 results

Common Cause gegen Trump (Volkszählung)

Im Jahr 2020 verklagte Common Cause den ehemaligen Präsidenten Trump, weil er Einwanderergemeinschaften verfassungswidrig die gleichberechtigte Vertretung im Kongress vorenthielt.

Erschwingliches Konnektivitätsprogramm

Von der Online-Überprüfung des eigenen Wählerregistrierungsstatus bis hin zur Suche nach dem nächstgelegenen Wahllokal ist der Internetzugang für die aktive Teilnahme an der Demokratie von entscheidender Bedeutung.

Das Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) trägt dazu bei, dass jeder online gehen kann.

Verhinderung eines gefährlichen Artikel-V-Übereinkommens

Wohlhabende Sonderinteressen drängen auf eine Verfassungsversammlung, die die Rechte aller Amerikaner aufs Spiel setzen könnte. Es liegt an uns, sie aufzuhalten.

Moore gegen Harper

Common Cause kämpfte bis vor den Obersten Gerichtshof für freie und faire Wahlen und gewann.

Rangfolgewahl in New York City

NYC liebt RCV!

Embeds (Test)

Common Cause Testimony for House Hearing on  Political Speech

Today at 9:30 a.m., the Committee on House Administration will hold a hearing on “American Confidence in Elections: Protecting Political Speech.” Stephen Spaulding, Common Cause Vice President for Policy & External Affairs, will be testifying. His testimony submitted in advance of the hearing discusses the myriad threats that undermine public confidence in our democracy and offered several solutions as well. He includes voter suppression and gerrymandering as hugely detrimental to public confidence and focuses his testimony on the...

Common Cause Submits Written Testimony for Senate Hearing on Laws and Enforcement Governing Secret Money in Elections

Today at 2:00 p.m., the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance’s Subcommittee on Taxation and IRS Oversight will hold a hearing on current laws and enforcement governing the political activities by tax exempt “dark money” groups. Beth Rotman, Common Cause Director of Money in Politics and Ethics, submitted written testimony to the subcommittee for today’s hearing record, detailing how a lack of enforcement by both the IRS and the Federal Election Commission (FEC) has allowed “dark money” groups to evade existing disclosure laws related...

Common Cause Announces Nationwide Winners in 2021 “My Voice, My Art, Our Cause” Artivism Contest

The competition, designed by the Common Cause Student Action Alliance, invited youth ages 14-28 to raise their voices on any set of nine democracy issues, including access to voting, campaign finance reform, fighting against gerrymandering, and more.

Common Cause Announces Washington D.C. Artist as Winner in 2021 “My Voice, My Art, Our Cause” Artivism Contest

The competition, designed by the Common Cause Student Action Alliance, invited youth ages 14-28 to raise their voices on any set of nine democracy issues, including access to voting, campaign finance reform, fighting against gerrymandering, and more.



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