2423 results

Pingree to testify before House Government Reform Committee

400.000 Menschen beteiligen sich am Protestchor gegen die Fusion von Comcast und Time Warner Cable

Als der Justizausschuss des Senats am Mittwoch begann, die geplante Fusion von Comcast und Time Warner Cable zu prüfen, hatten bereits 400.000 Amerikaner Petitionen unterzeichnet, in denen sie Washington aufforderten, den Deal abzulehnen.

Common Cause, Allies, Rally to Protest Sinclair Merger

The proposed deal with Tribune Media would create a media behemoth

Allergan Latest Company to Leave ALEC as Pressure Builds on Pfizer

Another major corporation has decided to leave the controversial corporate lobbying group the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Common Cause has learned.

Common Cause Ohio Testifies Today in Ohio General Assembly on Redistricting Proposals

Following Senate Session today, Ann Henkener of the League of Women Voters of Ohio and Sam Gresham of Common Cause Ohio will be testifying before the Ohio House Policy and Legislative Oversight Committee about proposed redistricting reform proposals House Joint Resolutions 11 and 12.

Activists protest merger plan at Comcast shareholders meeting

Landmark Victory: Court Rules NC Partisan Gerrymandering is Unconstitutional, Orders New Legislative Maps Drawn for the 2020 Election

A panel of three judges in the Wake County Superior Court ruled unanimously today in Common Cause v. Lewis that the NC General Assembly violated the North Carolina Constitution when it gerrymandered the state’s legislative districts for partisan gain. The court gave the legislature two weeks to draw new NC House and NC Senate districts, applying strict nonpartisan criteria and in full public view.


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Gambling on U.S. Elections Would Pose Profound Threat to Democracy, Common Cause Warns CFTC

Today, Common Cause urged the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to reject a request to legalize gambling on U.S. election outcomes. In a filing in response to the CFTC’s request for public comment, Common Cause emphasized that KalshiEX, LLC (“Kalshi”)’s proposed Congressional control event contract posed “new and profound threats to the integrity of our democracy and our elections.”



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