2423 results

The path forward to pass the For The People Act

2020 Presidential Candidate Forum on Democracy

On Sunday starting at 4:00 P.M. Eastern (3:00 P.M Central), this page will livestream as 2020 presidential candidates Senator Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, Senator Amy Klobuchar, Deval Patrick, Andrew Yang and John Delaney will gather in Des Moines, Iowa to discuss their plans to strengthen our democracy. Scroll down for the live stream.

Fair Districts Ohio: How Ohio Voters Forced Politicians Toward Fairness

Hedrick Smith, Pulitzer-prize winning journalist, and documentarian shares his "director's cut" video and discusses how voters in Ohio organized, built #FairDistrictsOhio, and won. Americans understand our democracy is vulnerable and being attacked by enemies foreign and domestic. But voters aren't in any mood to complain about problems these days, we're looking for practical solutions that work, like the story of how Fair Districts Ohio won a big battle in The Politicians v. The People.

Bill Promises Closer Scrutiny of Foreign Government Lobbyists

Bipartisan good government legislation is in short supply around the U.S. Capitol these days, so we should celebrate when we find it.

Forum Spotlights Trump Administration’s Ethics Deficit

American democracy is becoming a money-making enterprise for wealthy private interests and possibly Russians, according to a panel of lawmakers and public interest advocates who spoke at a press briefing and forum on Capitol Hill this morning.

Trump Hotels Not Tracking Payments from Foreign Governments

Remember when Donald Trump promised that during his presidency any profits his hotels gain through business with foreign governments would be donated to the U.S. Treasury? Apparently, he doesn’t.

Ohio moving forward on open goverment

Common Cause Ohio is celebrating one victory and going to work toward another in the ongoing fight to ensure that citizens have ready and complete access to information about the workings of government.

Registration Form Changes Target Student Voters

Common Cause is challenging a federal official's approval of changes to voter registration forms used in three states.


ALEC, Ford, climate change

Dr. King’s Legacy: Voting Rights and the March Forward

Nearly fifty years ago, Dr. King advised that “voting is the foundation stone for political action.” It was that constitutional right for which the civil rights community fought – with blood and life – to secure for all Americans, not just the few.



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