2424 results

Business Insider: Trump could be in a world of new legal trouble after New York’s attorney general accused his charity of ‘willful and knowing’ crimes

Paul S. Ryan, the vice president of policy and litigation at the watchdog group Common Cause, told Business Insider that such coordination could be in violation of what is known as the "soft money ban," adding that the Iowa event and the distribution of the funds raised during it "were timed to create goodwill and earned media for the Trump campaign in the week leading up to the Iowa caucuses."

When the News is Not the News

A New Weapon Against Fake News

PolitiFact, a nonprofit news organization, has launched an online almanac to identify "fake news" websites

Leading Women: New Leaders, New Solutions for a 21st Century Democracy

Americans are coming together and seeking solutions to some of the most intractable problems facing our democracy. A growing number of women have taken the lead at democracy reform organizations that are setting the tone for the next major wave of reforms. Their efforts are modernizing our political system and creating a 21st century democracy that works for us all. Common Cause and allies held a discussion featuring several of the democracy movement's leading women, including Common Cause's recently-named President, Karen Hobert Flynn, to...

Lower Hudson Valley’s The Journal News Editorializes against New York Proposal 1

The Journal News opposes Proposal 1.

New York Times: Neue Gruppe beteiligt sich am politischen Kampf gegen Desinformation im Internet

„Desinformation wird ein Problem bleiben, solange die strategischen Vorteile, die sich daraus ergeben, sie zu betreiben, sie zu fördern und davon zu profitieren, die Konsequenzen ihrer Verbreitung überwiegen“, schrieb die überparteiliche Interessengruppe Common Cause in einem letzte Woche veröffentlichten Bericht, der vor einer neuen Welle der Desinformation im Zusammenhang mit der diesjährigen Wahl warnte.

Yahoo! News/ Las Cruces Sun-News: Old restrictions on NM Legislature no longer work

“The time has come to enact some commonsense reforms… and enter the modern era,” said Mario Jimenez, executive director of Common Cause New Mexico. “The public is behind it, and the reforms are long overdue.”

The organization’s survey showed that 64% of respondents supported legislator salaries, and 70% supported longer sessions. Support cut across party and regional lines.

Santa Fe New Mexican: New Mexico Supreme Court hands Democrats a victory in redistricting case

Mason Graham, policy director of Common Cause New Mexico, said in a news release Monday he applauds the state Supreme Court’s decision.

“The redistricting process was more accessible and transparent this time, due to the involvement of the Citizen Redistricting Committee, but we can make it better,” Graham said.

Yahoo! News/Erie Times-News: Erie federal judge’s ruling on mail-in ballots could shape outcome of 2024 election

"This is a tremendous victory for mail-in voters in Pennsylvania," Philip Hensley-Robin, executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania, one of the plaintiffs in the case, said in a statement. "We are relieved that minor clerical errors will no longer prevent Pennsylvanians from having their votes counted. We look forward to seeing the impact that this ruling will have on future elections, particularly for communities of color and elderly Pennsylvanians."

Santa Fe New Mexican: New Mexico’s redistricting effort receives high grade

The coalition hub, which included the national Common Cause and the National Congress of American Indians, talked to over 2,000 people involved in the redistricting process in all 50 states.

Dan Vicuña, director of redistricting and representation for Common Cause, a voting-rights nonprofit headquartered in Washington, D.C., said in an interview those compiling the report put less focus on partisan conflicts and court cases and more on “whether public input was implemented in the maps.”

He said while the...



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