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New Results: Common Cause Releases “Our Democracy 2022” Candidate Surveys for First Election Since January 6th

Common Cause today released initial results of its Our Democracy 2022 candidate questionnaire in the leadup to the first election since January 6th. With two months to go before Election Day, more than 100 candidates for Congress, including in certain swing House and Senate races, responded on how they promise to defend and strengthen our democracy.

Amidst Facebook Papers Scandal & Rampant Election Disinformation, Common Cause Outlines Fixes in New Report

With The Facebook Papers adding daily to the evidence of the inability and unwillingness of social media giants to combat disinformation and other harmful content, Common Cause today released an extensive report on election disinformation, including a comprehensive set of reforms needed to curb this huge and growing problem and protect our right to vote in elections next week, next year, and beyond. Based on more than 15,000 hours monitoring social media in the 2020 election cycle, together with legal and policy expertise, “As a Matter of...

Common Cause New York Board Member John “Sean” Coffey Nominated for General Counsel of the Department of the Navy

“Sean has been an integral part of our Common Cause New York team for more than a decade. We are delighted he has been nominated by President Biden, and we look forward to his confirmation."

Neuer Common Cause-Bericht: Demokratie siegt bei der Wahl

Common Cause hat heute Democracy on the Ballot 2020 veröffentlicht. Der Bericht untersucht die Ergebnisse von 18 Initiativen auf dem Wahlzettel vom November 2020, die darauf abzielten, die staatlichen Gesetze in Bezug auf Geld in der Politik, Wahlrecht, Neugliederung der Wahlbezirke und direkte Demokratie zu ändern. Die basisdemokratischen, von den Bürgern initiierten Maßnahmen, die die Stimme des Volkes in der Regierung schützen, gewannen mit einer Mehrheit von 2:1.

New Results: Common Cause Releases “Our Democracy 2020” Candidate Surveys

Common Cause today released the results of its Our Democracy 2020 candidate surveys. More than 200 candidates for Congress, including in certain swing House and Senate races, responded on how they promise to defend and strengthen our democracy.

Provokanter Bericht über das Auswahlverfahren der California Citizens Redistricting Commission wirft neue Fragen zur Rolle des Gesetzgebers bei der Ablehnung lateinamerikanischer Bewerber auf

 Ein heute von Forschern der University of Southern California (USC), der University of Minnesota und der University of Houston veröffentlichter Bericht enthält die provokante Empfehlung, dass die kalifornische Staatslegislative nicht länger die Befugnis haben sollte, Finalisten aus dem Bewerberpool für die kalifornische Bürgerkommission zur Neuordnung der Wahlbezirke zu streichen. Der Bericht wurde im Gefolge einer Reihe umstrittener Streichungen bei der Auswahl der neuen Kommissionsmitglieder veröffentlicht.

Common Cause files objection against new NC House districts adopted by legislature, asks court to redraw districts in question

RALEIGH – On Friday, attorneys for plaintiffs in the anti-gerrymandering case of Common Cause v. Lewis filed a brief objecting to 19 new NC House districts drawn by the legislature. Plaintiffs are asking the court to redraw the districts in question.

New Report Documents Impact of Felony Voting Disenfranchisement & Proposes Common Sense Solutions

Today, Common Cause released a new report on the impact of denying voting rights to people with past felony convictions and what must be done to strengthen their voting rights. “Zero Disenfranchisement: The Movement to Restore Voting Rights” documents the racist history of felony disenfranchisement laws, the new movement to repeal them, and provides several personal stories of individuals affected by these voter suppression efforts.



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