2424 results

New Russian Allegations Arise as Activists Deliver Petitions Nationwide Demanding Independent Commission

As news breaks about Trump campaign officials embroiled in the FBI Russian investigation, local Common Cause activists began nationwide delivery of petitions to Members of Congress, urging them to support the formation of an independent commission to investigate the Russian government’s attack on the 2016 election. The deliveries of constituent signatures come in the wake of media reports late yesterday revealing that Trump campaign advisor Carter Page was under investigation by the FBI last summer resulting in the granting of a Foreign...

Young Turks Attack on Common Cause Ignores Danger of New Constitutional Convention

The attack on Common Cause for our opposition to a constitutional convention by Cenk Uygur is both misguided and inaccurate.

Congress Must Name Select Committee in Wake of New Intelligence Report on Russian Interference in 2016 Election:

The newly declassified intelligence report clearly shows that Congress must act swiftly to create a Select Committee to review the findings of this report in a nonpartisan manner and make recommendations moving forward.

Corie Tanida named as New Common Cause Hawaii Executive Director

Corie Tanida, who over the last three years has led a series of successful civic engagement campaigns for Common Cause, today was named Executive Director of Common Cause Hawaii.

Common Cause New York Slams Misleading Redistricting Ballot Description

The New York State Board of Elections approved language on August 1 that describes a November ballot measure as creating an “independent” commission on legislative redistricting. Common Cause New York criticized the language as confusing and misleading because the leadership and appointees of the legislature would make appointments to the proposed commission that will then draw the legislators’ districts.

On First Anniversary of Decision Striking Down Core Protections in the Voting Rights Act, Common Calls on Congress to Pass New Safeguards

Congress should mark the one year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Shelby County v. Holder by finally moving forward on the bipartisan Voting Rights Amendment Act (VRAA), Common Cause said today.

Statement by Common Cause President Chellie Pingree on New Yorker PBS Story

California Common Cause Announces Hiring of Kathay Feng As New Executive Director

California Common Cause Announces Hiring of Kathay Feng As New Executive Director

Common Cause, Allies Mark Citizens United Anniversary, MLK Day With Actions Across the Nation, New Data on Election Spending

Common Cause begrüßt neue Reformen, um den Stimmen der Amerikaner Gehör zu verschaffen



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