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CNN: Florida House passes controversial voting bill that would add new restrictions

"SB 90 will limit voters' options when they make a choice in the three methods to cast a ballot. It will create hurdles to every step of voting by mail. It will reduce voters' access to ballot drop boxes. It will add to elections officials' workload and add to the need for voter education. It will make it more difficult for the nonpartisan Election Protection volunteer program to assist voters in understanding their rights in the voting process," Sylvia Albert of Common Cause said in a statement released following the House vote.

New York Times: Voting Rights Standoff Stalls Trump-Inspired Ethics Measures

“It’s critically important that the For the People Act remain big, bold and together,” said Aaron Scherb, the director of legislative affairs for Common Cause, one of several groups working with Democrats on the bill, adding, “People don’t want piecemeal solutions to comprehensive problems.”

New York Times: Georgia Faith Leaders Urge Boycott of Home Depot Over Voting Law

“I can’t fully support a boycott within Georgia,” said Aunna Dennis, the executive director of the Georgia chapter of Common Cause. “The boycott hurts the working-class person. But corporations do need to be held accountable on where they put their dollars.”

New York Times: Wall Street Is Donating to This D.A. Candidate. Is That a Problem?

“It’s very difficult to see how a Manhattan D.A. candidate can accept really large and numerous donations from people who are involved in industries who could easily be the subject of that office’s attention,” said Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause New York, a government reform group.

NBC News: Texas GOP recruiting ‘army’ to fight voter fraud in largely minority areas of Houston

Common Cause Texas said the presentation, which is dated March 10, was circulated online by the Harris County Republican Party.

“The impetus for releasing right now is there are some bills in the legislature that seek to empower poll watchers in some really scary ways, and also at the same time, take away the power of the presiding judge at the poll site from being able to remove a disruptive poll watcher,” said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas. The group blurred out the Republican official's name...

New York Times: Why Kentucky Just Became the Only Red State to Expand Voting Rights

“The election in 2020 helps give them confidence that they could act quickly in expanding access and not have to go slowly,” Sylvia Albert, the director of the voting rights group Common Cause, said of these states.

She said that Kentucky did not fall into the category of true expansion, because its new law will provide fewer options than the emergency orders of 2020. “This might be a political calculation made by Democrats in the state, so that Republicans don’t go even further in suppressing the vote like other states...

CNN: Republicans press ahead with voting restrictions in key states, even as legal fights mount over new Georgia law

"It is an all-sides attack on voting rights," said Sylvia Albert, director of voting and elections for the voter advocacy group Common Cause. "The reality is that there are hundreds of suppressive proposed laws around the country.
"Honestly, it's impossible to even keep track of them," she said, "much less fight back."

CNN: Putting ‘cologne on Jim Crow’: Georgia GOP lawmakers drive toward new voting restrictions

Aunna Dennis, executive director of Common Cause Georgia, said ID requirements for obtaining absentee ballots, would harm older voters, those who are low-income, and college students because they are all less likely to have driver's licenses or other forms of required identification, such as passports or a state or federal photo identification card.

Georgia Republicans "are saying that voting should be for the 1% and ... for the privileged," Dennis told CNN.

ABC News: ‘A direct response’: How Trump’s 2020 loss is dictating the future of elections in battleground states

"If the result in Ohio had been that Biden won, it is extremely difficult for me to imagine that we wouldn't have a dozen bills already in the legislature now," said Mia Lewis of Common Cause Ohio, a nonpartisan democracy watchdog. ...

In Pennsylvania, where a slew of lawsuits filed by Trump and his allies challenging Biden's electoral victory failed to pass muster in the courts, Republicans are now targeting the methods by which judges in the state are elected.

"Our understanding is there is a significant...

New York Times: For Voting Rights Advocates, a ‘Once in a Generation Moment’ Looms

And so have national advocacy groups. Common Cause runs weeknight phone banks recruiting backers for the bill, and says it has generated 700,000 text messages supporting it. “It’s been a pretty incredible outpouring of support, because we all know what this moment means,” said Izzy Bronstein, the group’s national campaigns manager.



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