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BuzzFeed News (Kommentar): In Amerika wird falsch gewählt. So lässt sich das ändern.

Warum ist das besser? Man denke nur daran, wie Präsidentschaftsvorwahlen im aktuellen System funktionieren. Wir spielen ständig mit unseren Stimmen herum, versuchen herauszufinden, wer eine allgemeine Wahl gewinnen kann oder wer in Iowa die besten Chancen hat, statt für jemanden zu stimmen, den wir wollen, weil uns gefällt, wofür er steht. Wie oft müssen wir noch Meinungsbeiträge darüber lesen, ob eine Frau oder eine farbige Person wählbar ist? Bei der Rangfolgewahl können Sie mit Ihrem Herzen und Ihrem Verstand abstimmen – ohne Angst haben zu müssen, eines von beiden zu sabotieren.

New York Times: Election Day 2019: Voting Today in Virginia, Kentucky, Mississippi

Erroneous voting instructions and other disinformation began popping up on a handful of Twitter accounts on Monday, including one post encouraging Kentucky supporters of Mr. Bevin to vote on Wednesday. That and other posts were removed and some accounts were closed after being reported, according to David Vance, a spokesman for Common Cause, a member of the Election Protection alliance. None appeared to have spread widely.

New York Times: ‘The State Kind of Dumped This On Us:’ Early Voting Stirs Anxiety in N.Y.

Technological advances aside, early voter turnout will depend on whether people know that the option now exists in New York. Susan Lerner, the executive director of Common Cause New York, which has been leading efforts to raise awareness, said that educating a public long accustomed to “16 hours, on the first Tuesday in November” had been a challenge.
“Some people are very aware of it,” she said. For others, Ms. Lerner added, “this is absolutely news to them.”

Boston Globe: For census, R.I. is hardest state to count in New England

John M. Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island, emphasized that, “The Constitution is crystal clear that the census is to count every resident of the United States, regardless of their citizenship status. Any attempt to discourage participation by non-citizens is an affront to that constitutional purpose.” “For Rhode Islanders, millions of dollars of federal money and political representation for their communities hang in the balance,” Marion said. “It is imperative we make sure every Rhode Islander participates in...

McClatchy: Cummings’ passion and collegiality sought in new impeachment leader

The acting House Oversight Committee chair will be Rep. Carolyn Maloney, a New York City Democrat. It was unclear whether she will continue in that role, as others are expected to vie for the job.
“There’s no clear ascendant” to the oversight chair, said Aaron Scherb, director of legislative affairs at Common Cause.

ABC News: Arrest of Giuliani associates tied to Ukraine scandal renews scrutiny on campaign finance rules

"The charges of conspiracy to funnel foreign dollars into U.S. elections against Florida businessmen Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman paint a troubling picture of the free flow of foreign money into our elections due to insufficient safeguards and lax enforcement," Paul S. Ryan, vice president for policy and litigation for Common Cause, another watchdog group, said in a statement. "[Thursday's] indictments, though, likely represent only the tip of the iceberg in terms of foreign meddling. Both men were also heavily involved in the efforts by the...

VICE News: Kevin McCarthy Is Donating the Cash He Took From Rudy Giuliani’s Indicted Pals

“It’s extremely troubling,” said Beth Rotman of Common Cause, a group that filed complaints Federal Election Commission and Department of Justice complaints about the Parnas and Fruman donations. “The money should absolutely be returned. It shows a really problematic appearance of a conflict [of interest].”

BuzzFeed News: The Justice Department Has Argued Sex, Information, And Worthless Stock Were “Things Of Value.” But They Say Trump’s Request For Dirt Wasn’t.

The Independent: ‘Not enough has been done’: US election security still vulnerable to Russia heading into 2020 – even with new funding, experts warn

Karen Hobert Flynn, the president of the activist group Common Cause, says McConnell’s decision to support funding is a “step in the right direction”, but that the funding “still falls far short” of what is needed to solve the problem.
“Election systems across the country have been breached by Russian intelligence assets and those attacks continue to this day,” she adds.
“These attacks and those of other hostile foreign powers will continue to ramp up as we approach the 2020 elections, and cash-strapped local...


As the Campus Outreach Coordinator for Common Cause North Carolina, an organization dedicated to fighting for voting access while also championing political reforms for fairer elections, 30-year-old Alyssa Canty, a recipient of the 2019 MTV Leaders for Change grant, is currently empowering students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in North Carolina to stay informed and participate in local, state, and presidential elections. She is gearing up to take on a new role with Common Cause National, where she will work with...



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