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High Scores for Washington on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard 


High Scores for Washington on Common Cause’s 2024 Democracy Scorecard 

Washington — Common Cause, the nonpartisan watchdog, released its 2024 “Democracy Scorecard," recording every member of Congress’ support for voting rights, Supreme Court ethics, and other reforms.  


David Vance

Nationaler Medienstratege

Katie Scally


Ariana Marmolejo

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (West)

Jennifer Garcia

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (Süd)

Kenny Colston

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (Mittlerer Westen)

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4028 Results


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The Guardian: Trump’s latest indictment finally holds him to account for 2020 election plot


The Guardian: Trump’s latest indictment finally holds him to account for 2020 election plot

Aunna Dennis, executive director of the watchdog group Common Cause Georgia, said Trump’s expected indictment in Fulton county “validates the concerns of folks who don’t want the elections to be interfered with”.

“Even if you are in the highest seat in the country, that does not mean you can trample or mislead or manipulate the voices of voters and the voices of communities,” Dennis said. “We are not a fascist society. We are not an authoritarian society here. That’s not how our democracy works.”

Indictment of Donald Trump Shows No One is Above the Law


Indictment of Donald Trump Shows No One is Above the Law

"No American is above the law—not even former presidents. The charges that a federal grand jury leveled today against former President Donald Trump are profoundly serious and must go to trial."

Newsday: Watchdogs to NY elections board: Reject touch-screen voting machine


Newsday: Watchdogs to NY elections board: Reject touch-screen voting machine

"Paper ballots marked by the voter — which New York currently uses — is the election security gold ... standard," said Sarah Goff, deputy director of Common Cause New York, on Tuesday. Adding a new machine, she said, comes off as "solving a problem we don't have in New York."

Indiana Capital Chronicle: A little-known nonprofit boosts Indiana’s economic development agency


Indiana Capital Chronicle: A little-known nonprofit boosts Indiana’s economic development agency

“This is an area where a lot of money is involved. The state is offering big incentives involving our tax dollars to corporations, and Hoosiers deserve to know the backstory,” said Julia Vaughn, who leads government watchdog Common Cause Indiana. “But I think the IEDC and its foundation: their structure often stops that from happening.”

Vaughn said her organization expressed transparency-related concerns when the state swapped its commerce department for the corporation-foundation combination.


New York Times: Inside the Party Switch That Blew Up North Carolina Politics


New York Times: Inside the Party Switch That Blew Up North Carolina Politics

Linda Meigs, a political activist from Charlotte, drove to Ms. Cotham's district this month for a meeting with local lawmakers hosted by Common Cause North Carolina and other liberal advocacy groups.

Ms. Meigs said she had come prepared to confront Ms. Cotham over how she could have campaigned on ''Democratic Party values such as women's rights to reproductive freedom and L.G.B.T.Q. rights,'' only to reverse her support. Ms. Cotham was invited to speak, but didn't attend.

''When I'm talking to somebody and asking...

Honolulu Civil Beat: Editorial Board Interview: Camron Hurt Of Common Cause Hawaii


Honolulu Civil Beat: Editorial Board Interview: Camron Hurt Of Common Cause Hawaii

The Civil Beat Editorial Board spoke on Tuesday with the program director of Common Cause Hawaii. Camron Hurt said the organization under his leadership will focus on elections, voting access, government transparency and campaign finance reform. Hurt began by explaining what Common Cause does.

Raleigh News & Observer: Idea exchange or corporate lobbying front? A look into ALEC’s influence in NC


Raleigh News & Observer: Idea exchange or corporate lobbying front? A look into ALEC’s influence in NC

"What I worry about in the general sense is you want to think that proposals and legislation comes from the people who are electing the folks representing them in the legislature and that there is some kind of local initiative for that," said Bob Phillips, executive director of Common Cause NC. "But when you have a bill mill that really is serving the interests of special interests in corporate America and right-of-center agendas, that's alarming."

Public News Service: Pro-Democracy Group: Regulators Should Say “No Dice” to Election Betting


Public News Service: Pro-Democracy Group: Regulators Should Say “No Dice” to Election Betting

However, Stephen Spaulding, vice president for policy at the group Common Cause, said this would put even more pressure on the health of democracy in current political environment.

"This opens up a significant risk to the perception that the winners and losers of an election are not determined by voters, but by those who stand to gain financially," he said.

Common Cause has sent a filing to the commission, asking that it reject the proposal. Leadership with the House Task Force on Strengthening Democracy issued a...

Baltimore Sun: Who paid lobbyists a total of $48.8 million to influence Maryland lawmaking, and what did they get?


Baltimore Sun: Who paid lobbyists a total of $48.8 million to influence Maryland lawmaking, and what did they get?

"I'm shocked every time I see how much money is being spent," said Joanne Antoine, executive director of Common Cause Maryland. The nonprofit group does its own lobbying for "good government" bills, like those that expand ethics laws or transparency around money in politics.

Antoine said the disclosures can help the public "connect the dots"

on how both major institutions and grassroots advocates affect legislation.

"Unfortunately, this is where they have the advantage over organizations like ours,"...

Protecting Our Democracy Act Will Curb Abuses of Power by Future Presidents


Protecting Our Democracy Act Will Curb Abuses of Power by Future Presidents

No American is above the law, not even the President. But we learned during the Trump administration that existing laws are not sufficient to prevent abuses of the Office of the President. We need strong guardrails in the form of laws. We need the Protecting Our Democracy Act to provide greater checks and balances to the powers of the presidency while creating new mechanisms for transparency and accountability.  

USA Today/Center for Public Integrity: ‘Lose the courts, lose the war’: The battle over voting in North Carolina


USA Today/Center for Public Integrity: ‘Lose the courts, lose the war’: The battle over voting in North Carolina

Common Cause North Carolina’s Bob Phillips called the ruling “the worst decision, perhaps, the state Supreme Court has ever made.” In her dissent, Justice Anita Earls wrote that “today’s result was preordained on 8 November 2022, when two new members of this Court were elected to establish this Court’s conservative majority.”



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