
Sagen Sie den Kabelanbietern: Erhöhen Sie unsere Rechnungen nicht, um die Lügen von Fox News zu finanzieren

Wir können uns nicht darauf verlassen, dass Fox News die Wahrheit sagt.

Es ist ein großer Fehler und eine Gefahr für unsere Demokratie, Fox News weiterhin von Desinformation und Verschwörungstheorien profitieren zu lassen – obwohl wir BEREITS wissen, dass sie ihre Zuschauer über unsere Wahlen belogen haben.

Wir fordern die Kabelanbieter auf, die Fox-Gebühr abzulehnen. Wir werden nicht mehr für unsere Kabelrechnungen bezahlen, um die Lügen von Fox News zu subventionieren.


We should be able to rely on our news organizations to report on the truth – not lie about our democracy for financial and political gain.

Here’s the truth that Fox News hosts don’t want you to know: Our elections are secure and accurate – and the real threat to our democracy is voter suppression and conspiracy theories.

Allowing Fox News to continue profiting off disinformation and conspiracy theories – when we ALREADY know that they’ve lied to viewers about our elections – is a major mistake.

And right now, you might be funding these lies without even knowing it! You could be paying Fox News over $2 a month through your monthly cable bill – even if you don’t watch the channel.

It’s called the “Fox Fee” – where cable customers pay higher bills because Fox charges providers up to three times the market rate for access to their channel. Fox executives are negotiating their contracts with major cable providers like Xfinity/Comcast, Spectrum/Charter, and Cox Communications – trying to increase their rates even more.

This is our chance to get ahead of Fox and let these companies know that we won’t stand for increased bills to subsidize Fox’s lies, hate, and deceit. It’s time for us to demand #NoFoxFee!



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