
Petition: Der Senat MUSS den USPS-Nominierungen von Präsident Biden Priorität einräumen

Der Senat muss rasch eine Abstimmung über die von Präsident Biden nominierten Kandidaten für den Gouverneursrat des USPS, Val Demings und Marty Walsh, durchführen.

Dies ist ein entscheidender Schritt, um Postmaster General Louis DeJoy zur Verantwortung zu ziehen und unseren USPS zu retten.


We celebrated a major win last month when President Biden took a crucial step towards firing Trump administration holdover and Republican megadonor Louis DeJoy as Postmaster General – but our action can’t stop now.

By nominating former Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh and former Rep. Val Demings as the final members of the USPS Board of Governors who could vote to get rid of DeJoy, President Biden is showing he’s heard what Common Cause members like you have demanded: that he take action to save our Postal Service.

But our work here isn’t done – we must demand the Senate act quickly on these nominees to protect our Postal Service and vote-by-mail this election year.

Add your name to tell the Senate: Act fast to give President Biden’s nominees to the USPS Board of Governors, Val Demings and Marty Walsh, an Up-or-Down Vote – our USPS and our democracy depend on it.



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