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See who spent the most on Election 2014


See who spent the most on Election 2014

Last night's election was the most expensive midterm in our nation's history -- OpenSecrets.org compiled a list of the 25 biggest spenders.

Election 2014’s Real Winner: Money


Election 2014’s Real Winner: Money

With $3.7 billion spent on campaigns this year, the Daily Show congratulates the 2014 election's real winner -- money.

Democracy is on the line in Georgia, but it doesn’t need to be.


Democracy is on the line in Georgia, but it doesn’t need to be.

In a throwback to the days of Jim Crow, up to 40,000 Georgians who had registered to vote found themselves confused about whether their ballots would even be counted, cut out of democracy by antiquated voting laws and procedures.

Common Cause talks voting on C-SPAN


Common Cause talks voting on C-SPAN

Voting should not be an endurance sport in this country. In 2012, voters in some states waited hours to make their voices heard on Election Day – particularly in neighborhoods with a high proportion of African-American and Latino voters. There are lots of reasons for the long lines – poorly-resourced polling place, broken voting machines, inadequately trained poll workers, and voter processes in dire need of modernization.

John Oliver Skewers ALEC


John Oliver Skewers ALEC

Last night, comedian John Oliver had some choice words for some state legislatures and the extreme bills coming out of them. The whole segment is worth a watch, especially Oliver's send-up of the American Legislative Exchange Council, the shadowy corporate lobby rewriting bills across our nation.

Berüchtigter Unternehmenslobbyist Rick Berman auf Band festgehalten


Berüchtigter Unternehmenslobbyist Rick Berman auf Band festgehalten

Wenn die Großkonzerne ihre Gegner angreifen, dabei aber ihre Hände sauber halten wollen, gibt es einen Mann, den sie anrufen können: Rick Berman, auch „Dr. Evil“ genannt. Jahrzehntelang hat sich Berman auf laxe Offenlegungsgesetze verlassen, um Hetzkampagnen zu starten, dabei aber die Geldgeber dieser Angriffe und ihre Ziele geheim zu halten.

5 Threats To Our Democracy That Keep Their Costumes On After Halloween


5 Threats To Our Democracy That Keep Their Costumes On After Halloween

It’s fun to dress up for Halloween – but here’s five threats to our democracy that keep up their masquerade year-round -- and they’re a lot scarier for our democracy than werewolves or vampires…



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