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1790 Results


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1790 Results


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The Daily Show: America’s Got Suppression


The Daily Show: America’s Got Suppression

With so much money being invested in suppressing the vote by the Trump campaign and the GOP, not to mention secret and unaccountable dark money groups, Comedy Central's The Daily Show with Trevor Noah launches America's Got Suppression! Co-hosts Roy Wood, Jr. and Desi Lydic interview three contestants, including Common Cause's Vashti Hinton-Smith whose vote is suppressed by gerrymandering that split the North Carolina A & T campus into two congressional districts, diluting the voting power of students at the HBCU campus. And HBCU Democracy...

Dispelling Common Voting Disinformation Narratives


Dispelling Common Voting Disinformation Narratives

Mis and disinformation is everywhere this election, make sure you have the right tools and resources on your side as you get ready to vote.

Ehrung schwarzer Frauen und HBCU-Absolventen anlässlich der Annahme der Nominierung von Senatorin Kamala Harris zur Vizepräsidentin


Ehrung schwarzer Frauen und HBCU-Absolventen anlässlich der Annahme der Nominierung von Senatorin Kamala Harris zur Vizepräsidentin

Alyssa Canty, Koordinatorin der Common Cause Student Alliance, denkt darüber nach, was die Nominierung von Senatorin Kamala Harris als Vizepräsidentschaftskandidatin für junge schwarze Frauen an Historically Black Colleges and Universities bedeutet.

Einheit verstehen 
Wenn Lokales global wird 


Einheit verstehen 
Wenn Lokales global wird 

Teil drei einer Reihe von Berichten aus erster Hand und aus der Perspektive der Praxis von Annastacia Belladonna Carrera, Geschäftsführerin von Common Cause Minnesota.

Video: John Oliver Does What Donald Trump Cannot by Telling the Truth About Vote-by-Mail


Video: John Oliver Does What Donald Trump Cannot by Telling the Truth About Vote-by-Mail

It isn't hard to tell the truth and when it comes to vote-by-mail, no-excuse absentee, and early voting, President Trump should give it a try. What is difficult is being funny while telling the truth about public policy and John Oliver does that brilliantly.



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