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1801 Results


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1801 Results


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Juneteenth-Feier und Besinnung


Juneteenth-Feier und Besinnung

Juneteenth – die Feier des Emanzipationstags, auch bekannt als Amerikas anderer Unabhängigkeitstag – ist ein guter Zeitpunkt, um über die anhaltende systematische Entrechtung nachzudenken, die nach dem Ende der Sklaverei stattfand. Die Gefängnisindustrie hat die „Strafausnahme“ des 13. Verfassungszusatzes ausgenutzt. Nach dem Ende der Sklaverei erließen die Staaten diskriminierende Gesetze, um eine große Zahl freigelassener Schwarzer zu verhaften und einzusperren. Inhaftierte Schwarze wurden dann vermietet oder gezwungen, kostenlose Arbeitskraft an Privatpersonen und Unternehmen zu liefern. Dies ist immer noch so...

Atlanta unternimmt Schritte, um das Erbe der Korruption einzudämmen


Atlanta unternimmt Schritte, um das Erbe der Korruption einzudämmen

Zur Beendigung eines Streits zwischen dem Stadtrat und Bürgermeisterin Keisha Lance Bottoms über die Finanzierung wird Atlanta ein neues Amt einrichten, um Korruption zu bekämpfen und die Transparenz der Stadt zu stärken.

Census 2020: What are Barr & Ross hiding from Congress?


Census 2020: What are Barr & Ross hiding from Congress?

The House Committee on Oversight and Reform neared a contempt vote for the Attorney General and Commerce Secretary, but President Trump is trying to claim executive privilege to slow their progress. As pressure mounts on the Trump cabinet heads to submit to legislative oversight, Congress must demand accountability.

Tony Awards: Culture Looks Within, Leads Politics, as Both Must Reduce Barriers Blocking Women and People of Color


Tony Awards: Culture Looks Within, Leads Politics, as Both Must Reduce Barriers Blocking Women and People of Color

Broadway's 73rd Annual Tony Awards did not disappoint. It was entertaining, thought-provoking, provided poignant social and political commentary, and in one of its most powerful moments, Tony Award winner for Best Director of a Musical Rachel Chavkin called out Broadway for not having more women or people of color nominated in her category -- a conversation that echoes our reflective democracy work.

Fairness at Stake in the 2020 Census: Understanding the Citizenship Question


Fairness at Stake in the 2020 Census: Understanding the Citizenship Question

Adding a citizenship question to the 2020 Census will threaten its fairness and accuracy. The census means more than just a count of people living in the country. The data collected will be used to make many crucial decisions, ranging from the distribution of federal funds to local communities, to the drawing of congressional districts. For that reason, the outcome of the Census will affect every person residing in the United States.

Chris Hayes and Ari Berman are All In on Hofeller Papers


Chris Hayes and Ari Berman are All In on Hofeller Papers

The unpacking of evidence from Thomas Hofeller's papers reveals more lies by the North Carolina GOP and how those lies allowed them to continue minority-rule in the state legislature.

Newsmax: Conservative Columnist Evolves on Public Financing


Newsmax: Conservative Columnist Evolves on Public Financing

It took 40 years, but conservative columnist Paul DeLespinasse of Corvallis, Oregon, evolves on public financing and Common Cause. Democracy Wire welcomes the author to the right side of history and adds our thanks to Newsmax where this piece was first published.

Broadway’s Atticus Finch: Jeff Daniels Breaks Down Race, Politics, Trump


Broadway’s Atticus Finch: Jeff Daniels Breaks Down Race, Politics, Trump

Culture often leads politics and the theatre once again reflects uncomfortable truths with Harper Lee's classic, To Kill A Mockingbird starring Jeff Daniels. If you cannot watch the full nine-minute interview then skip to 6:38 and watch the final portion.



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