Kampagnen zur Neugliederung der Wahlbezirke
Redistricting began in every state in 2021. Common Cause prepared by organizing citizens for action.
- Coalitions established model redistricting commissions das in einem von Menschen getragenen Prozess alternative Karten zeichnen wird.
- With the Census Bureau requiring more time to effectively process population data, reformers unterstützte Prozessführung um zu verhindern, dass dieser aktualisierte Zeitplan die Zeiträume für die wesentliche öffentliche Beteiligung an der Neugliederung der Wahlkreise verkürzt.
- Reform organizations trained citizens to lead community mapping sessions that would allow residents to effectively tell the stories of their communities.
- While states launched independent citizen redistricting commissions that the public fought to create, advocates ensured that these entities represent the diversity der Rechtsräume, in denen sie ihren Sitz haben.
- Anwälte trained local governments zu Best Practices zum Zeichnen fairer Karten.
- Bürger, die eine Änderung der Wahlkreiseinteilung anstreben, went to court to ensure that the pandemic didn’t interfere with ballot initiative efforts.
The fight for fair and representative districts remains ongoing. Read up about California Common Cause’s current effort to establish an independent redistricting commission in the City of Los Angeles.