
Strong Step Forward

On Tuesday, November 3 the Governor’s Redistricting Reform Commission in Maryland finalized its recommendations for reforming Maryland’s rigged redistricting process. The plan is a bold proposal based on best practices from states across the nation, and if adopted as proposed would certainly take the politics out of the process.

On Tuesday, November 3 the Governor’s Redistricting Reform Commission in Maryland finalized its recommendations for reforming Maryland’s rigged redistricting process. The plan is a bold proposal based on best practices from states across the nation, and if adopted as proposed would certainly take the politics out of the process.

Governor Hogan and the members of his Redistricting Reform Commission invested a significant time commitment to the citizens of Maryland. Through five Regional Meetings and hours of workgroup deliberations, the Commission was thoughtful and has put forth a strong recommendation to improve the way election districts are drawn in this state. 

The Commission included the following recommendations in their final proposal:

  • Bezirksgrenzen sollten kompakt und zusammenhängend sein und die Grenzen von Landkreisen und Gemeinden respektieren.
  • Sowohl die Kongress- als auch die Staatswahlbezirke sollten von einer unabhängigen Kommission festgelegt werden.
  • The independent commission should be politically diverse, including three from the majority party, three from the minority party, and three members from neither political party. The applicants will go through a screening process and final members will be drawn through a lottery.   Elected officials, candidates, lobbyists, and political staff are prohibited from serving.
  • Die Kommission wird die Grenzen ohne Rücksicht auf Parteizugehörigkeit oder Wohnsitz des Amtsinhabers ziehen. Die Kommission wird „ausführliche“ öffentliche Anhörungen zu dem vorgeschlagenen Plan abhalten.
  • Der Landtag kann die Karte mit einer Zweidrittelmehrheit ablehnen.
  • Die Größe der Wahlkreise der Bundesstaatsparlamente soll wesentlich einheitlicher sein. Die Bevölkerungsunterschiede zwischen den Wahlkreisen müssen 11 TP3T nicht übersteigen (im Gegensatz zu den derzeitigen 51 TP3T), und es sollte Konsistenz zwischen Wahlkreisen mit einem oder drei Abgeordneten bestehen.

The public’s frustration has been palpable at every hearing on this issue.  The Commission took advantage of this unique opportunity to fix our rigged system by thinking big and thinking bold, and getting the insider politics out of our redistricting process. Now we’re looking to Gov. Hogan and the legislature to turn these proposals into the law.

The Commission’s report is available Hier.



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