
ALEC Hits Kansas City, And We’re Hitting ALEC

Hundreds of state legislators and corporate executives, all members of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), will be in Kansas City, MO tomorrow and Friday for their annual Spring Task Force Meeting. They’ll say it’s just a gathering to exchange ideas on improving state and local government. In fact, the event is an opportunity for corporate lobbyists to wine and dine elected officials and then to draft “model legislation” that benefits corporations. When it ends, ALEC legislators will take that legislation to their state capitols and try to pass it.

ALEC is the force behind hundreds of bad ideas, including “Stand Your Ground” gun laws, Voter ID requirements, and budget cuts to public education. And to add insult to injury, it promotes those ideas while claiming it’s a charity and providing a tax break to the corporations whose donations pay its bills.

While ALEC works behind closed doors toward a corporate takeover of our democracy, Common Cause will be working in Kansas City to hold that power accountable. We’ve been part of a coalition of public interest advocates challenging ALEC across the country and we’ve filed a “whistleblower” complaint with the IRS to put an end to its tax scam.

All of this is why I will be traveling to Kansas City to help local organizers and allies put on a screening von The United States of ALEC, a documentary by famed journalist Bill Moyers, on Thursday night. On Friday we will rally in front of the hotel hosting the ALEC meeting. Please join us in standing up to ALEC. Let’s not let them dictate the future of our democracy. I’d love to see you in KC. If you can’t be there, follow me on twitter, @vkisunko, to stay updated!



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