
Fighting For Net Neutrality in Burlington

The Media and Democracy team recently traveled to beautiful Burlington, Vermont. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) invited Michael Copps, former FCC Commissioner and special advisor to our Media and Democracy program, to testify on the Open Internet ("net neutrality").

The Media and Democracy team recently traveled to beautiful Burlington, Vermont. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) invited Michael Copps, former FCC Commissioner and special advisor to our Media and Democracy program, to testify on the Open Internet (“net neutrality”). 

The Internet is our 21st century public square — voters use it to learn about candidates ,  advocates organize using social media, and citizens discuss the issues online –. That makes the Open Internet an essential part of  our vibrant democracy.

That’s why Senator Leahy called net neutrality protections an “Online Bill of Rights.” 

Read his remarks Hier, or watch the video here: (Michael Copps’ remarks begin at 9:43, but the whole hearing is worth a watch.)

The other witnesses shared why the Open Internet is so important. Vermont State Librarian explained how an Open Internet allowed libraries to serve patrons with quality connectivity. Meanwhile, Cabot Orton of The Vermont Country Store and Lisa Groeneveld of Logic Supply, a technology equipment firm spoke out to say that net neutrality protections ensured small business growth.

All in all, I was glad that so many folks were willing to take time out of their day to stand up for Net Neutrality. If you haven’t yet, Unterschreiben Sie unsere Petition to preserve the Open Internet to join them!




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