
See who spent the most on Election 2014

Last night's election was the most expensive midterm in our nation's history -- compiled a list of the 25 biggest spenders.

Last night’s election was the most expensive midterm in our nation’s history — here are the 25 biggest spenders:

Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte
National Republican Congressional Cmte
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte
American Crossroads/Crossroads GPS
Senate Majority PAC
National Republican Senatorial Cmte
US Chamber of Commerce
National Rifle Assn
House Majority PAC
Ending Spending
NextGen Climate Action
Freedom Partners Action Fund
Liga der Naturschutzwähler
National Assn of Realtors
Patriot Majority USA
Put Alaska First PAC
Congressional Leadership Fund
American Action Network
Club for Growth
EMILY’s List
Kentucky Opportunity Coalition
Mayday PAC
Americans for Responsible Solutions
Kentuckians for Strong Leadership
American Fedn of St/Cnty/Munic Employees




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