
Sen. McConnell’s deal for the ultra-wealthy to buy politicians

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, Politico reported that Senator McConnell is planning to insert a provision in a must-pass government funding bill that would significantly increase the amount of money that political parties could spend on candidates. The provision, drafted in secret and without any hearings, would eliminate caps on the amount of political money that parties may spend in coordination with candidates.

Cyber Monday alert: Sen. McConnell’s deal for the ultra-wealthy to buy politicians
Over the Thanksgiving holiday, Politico reported that Senator McConnell is planning to insert a provision in a must-pass government funding bill that would significantly increase the amount of money that political parties could spend on candidates. The provision, drafted in secret and without any hearings, would eliminate caps on the amount of political money that parties may spend in coordination with candidates.
Common Cause and other concerned groups sent a letter to Members of Congress earlier in November warning them not to attach dangerous campaign finance riders to legislation funding the government. Government funding expires on December 11, and must-pass legislation to keep the government open is a tempting opportunity for Members of Congress to attach unrelated provisions benefiting lobbyists and big campaign donors.

This effort to secretly give more influence to ultra-wealthy campaign donors mirrors similar attempts by Senator McConnell. In December 2014, McConnell helped quietly include language in a government funding bill that dramatically increased the amount of money (from $97,200 to $777,600) an individual donor could give to national party committees each year.
To help empower the voices of everyday Americans in our democracy, Common Cause continues to fight for the Government by the People Act and the Fair Elections Now Act. These bills would lessen candidates’ dependence on big money in politics and help restore power to Americans of modest means.



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