Messebezirke für Nevada
Democracy means everyone counts and has equal and fair representation. That’s why Common Cause advocates for reforms to end gerrymandering — the manipulation of election districts for political advantage.
Basisaktivisten bereiten sich darauf vor, Unterschriften zur Unterstützung einer Wahlinitiative zu sammeln, die den Parlamentariern die Macht über die Aufteilung der Wahlkreise für den Kongress und die bundesstaatlichen Legislativen entziehen und sie einer unabhängigen Bürgerkommission zur Neuaufteilung der Wahlkreise übertragen würde.
Fair districts mean counting everyone equally, playing by the rules, and having a transparent process. The proposed redistricting reform initiative would establish a new Nevada Independent Redistricting Commission, meant to put the people of Nevada, and not partisan politicians, in charge of the redistricting process.
The new commission would consist of two Democrats, two Republicans, and three voters unaffiliated with either major party. They would be screened to make sure that nobody with a personal or political stake in the drawing of districts becomes a commissioner. That means no elected officials, no lobbyists, no political candidates or operatives, and no employees of the legislature.
And the Nevada Independent Redistricting Commission would be forbidden from drawing districts that advantage a political party – a big change from how party leaders draw the lines today.
The proposal also sets objective rules to prevent manipulation of districts. It adds transparency requirements by mandating that the commission’s work take place in open hearings. The goal is to increase accountability by bringing the redistricting process out in the open.