Halte die Hallelujas

So happy days aren’t here again, and it will require significantly more strenuous efforts from we the people to hold off the wolves at the door and to set the stage for government that actually meets the needs of the American people.
The House GOP majority may be slim, and its factions next to impossible to corral when it comes to legislating, but remember the House majority is not out to legislate. It is out to demolish. Perhaps a majority in the U.S. Senate can clip some of the House’s far-right fantasies, but remember the oft-stated GOP Senate priority is also to write finis to Joe Biden’s Administration.
Some will say our country has survived worse, and arguably it has. They will say we are better off now than we were generations ago. That, too, is true—for many, but certainly not all, of us. The better test of where we are is to measure our progress against the tools we now have available to improve our lives. Online technology opens vast new vistas of opportunity—but at the same time it is imposing serious harms on us, our children, and our society. We are doing precious little to eliminate those harms. Advances in healthcare have curbed diseases and saved countless lives—but it is available to far fewer citizens here than it is in several other nations, and its availability is accompanied by sky-high costs that put it beyond the reach of many. We are doing precious little to eliminate those harms. Our educational system is horrendously uneven, with hard-working and embarrassingly under-paid teachers trying their mightiest to overcome the politicization of the curriculum they have to teach and the paucity of resources available to them. No wonder the test scores of our students are in free-fall compared to many other nations. We are doing precious little to eliminate those harms.
My list could go on, but you get my point. Now add to all of this a media system that pays little attention to these challenges because it has morphed into entertaining and profiteering rather than informing us, and you begin to understand one of the greatest ills from which we suffer. A successful democracy absolutely depends upon informed citizens. Poor info, poor democracy. Our country’s founders, more than 230 years ago, saw news and information as public goods. More than that, they viewed them as national priorities. That’s why leaders like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and many others favored the building of post offices, postal roads, and postal subsidies. Their aim was to hold together a far-flung and ever-expanding nation by trying to ensure that citizens knew enough to sustain the founders’ bold experiment in self-government. It was far from perfect, to be sure, but back then the tools with which to inform were primitive.
Today we have infinitely more powerful tools in radio, television, cable, and the internet—tools capable of covering the continent in milliseconds. But the founders far-seeing premise no longer holds sway. Too often it has been displaced by those who run these media, especially the corporate conglomerates, who have forgotten they are managing something essential to a democratic society. Whatever happened to the Founders’ appreciation of media as a public good?
I no longer believe, and haven’t for years, that our current commercialized and consolidated media is capable of curing its own ills. I applaud what remains of community and independent media. These folks struggle mightily to maintain sufficient resources needed to do their jobs, but it becomes more difficult each year as newspapers are bought up by huge non-community chains, local stations go off the air, newsrooms are shuttered, reporters are fired in Massen, and local, regional, and statehouse coverage diminishes. It’s not working; something else is needed.
There is no silver bullet solution to repair our media ecosystem. But part of the answer must be significantly increased support for public media, non-profits, and start-ups. Compared to other advanced nations, the United States spent only a pittance on public broadcasting—about $3.16 per capita per annum, the Nieman Lab reported last year. Other countries?—Germany $142.42; Norway $110.73; Finland $101.29; Denmark $93.16; France $75.89. We need to catch up and, given our size and population, go beyond what even those nations are spending. And we need to provide significantly more support for not just national news and information like PBS and NPR, but on local and community news and information.
Then we need to repair commercial media like radio and TV, bringing back Federal Communications Commission regulatory oversight that was built up over the years but eliminated by recent GOP-majority FCCs. Rules and regulations limiting mergers and acquisitions, requiring diversity of viewpoint and diversity of ownership, coverage of local news like mayors’ offices, courts, school boards, environmental challenges, limits on advertising, some semblance of balance in the presentation of viewpoints, and programs for children. While cable has been treated differently from radio and television, it is time to bring some public interest oversight here, too. Yes, the main focus these days seems to be on what to do about the internet. Yet as former President Barack Obama and many others have observed, much of the mis- and dis-information on social media originates on traditional media platforms.
But the public interest applies equally online. The internet has brought a wealth of good things to us, and we cannot do without it. But while we were all hailing the good that it brought, we paid scant attention to ills that we should have seen coming. The open,” power-at-the-edges” technology that was to bring the town square of democracy online was allowed to consolidate into a few giants calling the shots and encouraging the misinformation that is wreaking such damage on our civic dialogue. Here we need anti-trust to stop online monopolies, industry transparency, consumer privacy with clear limits on what data companies are allowed to collect, opt-in consent to protect our personal information, effective protections for children, requirements for broadband affordability, and new models based on public support so we can build competitive opportunities for small and independent entrepreneurs. President Biden’s recent Wall Street Journal op-ed rightfully calls on Congress to enact many of these reforms by passing meaningful legislation. The last session of Congress laid the groundwork for many of these proposals, and in an ideal world this Congress could pick up the baton and cross the finish line. In a world where dominant digital platforms have inflicted so many societal harms, public interest protections for the internet should be a no-brainer. To claim that the internet should be treated as outside the public domain is just plain ludicrous. Any balanced reading of the Telecommunications Act makes clear that public interest oversight can be applied to the broad range of industries utilizing the public airwaves, radio, and wire. What’s ambiguous about that?
Over the years that I have been writing these blogs, my focus returns most often to the idea that getting our media right is essential—not just desirable—to our country’s well-being. We need media that informs and underpins democracy. But we have let media run wild in an orgy of commercialism, consolidation, profiteering, and disregard for the citizenry that must be its lodestar. It is time to fix this mess.
Given the state of our nation’s politics, legislation, and jurisprudence, this will be a steep hill to climb—a really steep hill! But climb it we must. We know that popular trust in our media has significantly declined. People “get it” that something is amiss in media land. I’ve seen this for years in my travels and public meetings across the land. But, of course, big media doesn’t want to carry this story.
As on other issues, the American people are more often than not ahead of their leaders. We can see this regarding other sectors, too. Take healthcare. While the far-right may like to gut programs like Medicare and Medicaid, a majority of voters support them. Last November’s elections proved that. There’s a long list of reforms that we have witnessed over our nation’s history that came not from “leaders” in Washington, but from pressure by the grassroots. Truth be told, that’s how most reforms have come about. So, to end on a hopeful note, we can do this again on the media reform. Let us each work to bring this realization front-and-center, and to do so in such a way that our leaders get the message that supporting good media might, after all, be good politics, too. It may not be the greatest time to get this job done, but it may be the only time democracy has left.
Michael Copps war von Mai 2001 bis Dezember 2011 Kommissar der Federal Communications Commission und von Januar bis Juni 2009 amtierender Vorsitzender der FCC. Seine Jahre bei der Kommission waren geprägt von seinem starken Eintreten für „das öffentliche Interesse“, seinem Engagement für „nicht-traditionelle Interessenvertreter“ bei Entscheidungen der FCC, insbesondere Minderheiten, Ureinwohner Amerikas und die verschiedenen Behindertengemeinschaften, sowie seinen Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der seiner Ansicht nach übermäßigen Konsolidierung der Medien- und Telekommunikationsbranche des Landes. Im Jahr 2012 schloss sich der ehemalige Kommissar Copps Common Cause an, um dessen Initiative zur Reform der Medien und Demokratie zu leiten. Common Cause ist eine überparteiliche, gemeinnützige Interessenvertretung, die 1970 von John Gardner als Mittel für Bürger gegründet wurde, um ihre Stimme im politischen Prozess zu Gehör zu bringen und ihre gewählten Politiker dem öffentlichen Interesse gegenüber zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen. Erfahren Sie mehr über Kommissar Copps in Die Agenda der Mediendemokratie: Strategie und Vermächtnis von FCC-Kommissar Michael J. Copps
The Benton Institute for Broadband & Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to ensuring that all people in the U.S. have access to competitive, High-Performance Broadband regardless of where they live or who they are. We believe communication policy – rooted in the values of access, equity, and diversity – has the power to deliver new opportunities and strengthen communities.
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