
Sieg vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof: Moore vs. Harper

On Tuesday, June 27, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Common Cause’s favor in one of the most important voting rights cases in history: Moore v Harper.

In rejecting the “independent state legislature theory,” the Supreme Court protected our system of checks and balances and found that state courts can hold lawmakers accountable.

Read below to see what leaders around the country are saying about this major win for voting rights.

Gemeinsame Ursache

Neal Katyal

These are my views on the victory today in Moore v. Harper.

This Article is the first to write about what really happened yesterday in Moore v Harper. All our supposed allies, including the Biden Administration’s Justice Dept, tried to get rid of the case, telling the Court they couldn’t decide it. We stood alone.

We were right. If the…

Richter J. Michael Luttig

Becky Harper


Democracy won today. #moorevharper #scotus #scotusupdate #breakingnews #fyp

♬ News3 News Business VP(856793) – Kei

@common_cause Democracy won today. #moorevharper #scotus #scotusupdate #breakingnews #fyp ♬ News3 News Business VP(856793) – Kei

Kathy Feng

Robert Phillips

Robert Reich

Rob Reiner

Representative Nancy Pelosi

Vice President Kamala Harris

President Barack Obama

Senator Amy Klobuchar

Südliche Koalition für soziale Gerechtigkeit

Leadership Conference

Rechtszentrum für Kampagnen

Legal Defense Fund

Declaration for American Democracy

National Redistricting Foundation

Eric Holder

Ted Corcoran

Wendy Weiser

Janai Nelson

Jocelyn Benson



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