
A turning point — if we make it one

There’s no getting around it; today is a bad day for our democracy.

In McCutcheon v. FEC, the Supreme Court this morning struck a blow on behalf of the powerful and against the hundreds of millions of Americans whose voices now can be further drowned out by the wealthiest one percent. The decision is a disaster, astonishing in its willful ignorance of the realities of campaign finance — and in the fact that it is not at all surprising coming from this court.

So what can we do?

We can rededicate ourselves to the fight for public financing systems that enhance the clout of small donors. This struggle is being waged at the state level and there are promising signs for its success.

We can renew the fight for meaningful disclosure laws. The court today again highlighted the value of disclosure as a counter to the influence of big money.

We can resolve to work for long-term changes in the legal system, so that future cases are reviewed and decided consistent with our Constitution and our fundamental values of democracy and equality.

We can engage our lawmakers to ensure that our election laws protect everyone’s right to vote and we can resolve as citizens and activists to see that every eligible voter has a meaningful opportunity to vote.

Around America today, people are rallying at 140 locations in 38 states to voice their discontent with politics as usual — as amplified in this decision. These rallies are just one piece of a long term fight for a stronger, more equitable democracy.

There is plenty to fight for. Let’s get on with it.

For more on the McCutcheon decision, click Hier. Read Common Cause’s press release here.



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