
Round Up: Common Cause at Netroots

The thousands of progressive activists who turned out for last weekend’s Netroots Nation conference in Detroit included a strong contingent from Common Cause.

The thousands of progressive activists who turned out for last weekend’s Netroots Nation conference in Detroit included a strong contingent from Common Cause.

On the first day of the conference, Common Cause President Miles Rapoport led a discussion around economic inequality in the United States based on the Common Cause Chairman Robert Reich’s film, Inequality for All. Activists and participants joined from across the country, including representatives from Demos, the United Automobile Workers, the Service Employees International Union, Progress Now, and Media Matters.

Common Cause’s Marissa Valeri moderated a panel on net neutrality as a social justice issue. Meanwhile, Common Cause Michigan Executive Director Melanie McElroy joined a panel discussion to talk about redistricting in Michigan and the role of citizen action in rebuilding and revitalizing Detroit.  

At Common Cause’s booth in the exhibitor hall, our staff and volunteers dispensed information on our ongoing campaigns around media reform, money in politics, the American Legislative Exchange Council, economic inequality, and redistricting. We also hosted a #SaveTheSelfie twitter campaign, helping Netroots participants produce and Tweet selfies at our booth to advocate for a free and open internet.



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