
Net Neutrality Momentum Building

Thanks to your support, we and our allies delivered more than 1 million petitions to the Federal Communications Commission earlier this year, demanding that it ensure innovation and free expression online by guaranteeing real Open Internet protections. With so much of our democratic discourse happening online, this is non-negotiable.

So it was disappointing — and then some — when word broke that FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler is poised to allow Internet Service Providers to create fast online lanes for those who can afford them (the 1 percent) and slow lanes for everyone else. As Common Cause special adviser and former FCC Commissioner Michael Copps said at the time, this represents “a huge step backwards and must be stopped.”

We asked you to take action again, and the results have been overwhelming. Tens of thousands already have signed our petition. Friends and allies from the public interest, progressive, and creative communities are calling for real net neutrality guarantees. Together we’ve sent the FCC a clear message: scrap this proposal and start from scratch on rules guaranteeing the Open Internet we need.

Members of Congress are speaking up too, saying that the FCC is headed down a bad road.

Then yesterday, things got really interesting. More than 100 tech firms – from Google and Amazon to Reddit and dozens of smaller startups – told the FCC that Wheeler’s plan would harm innovation.

The tide is turning. On Thursday, FCC Commissioners Mignon Clyburn and Jessica Rosenworcel both voiced concern with the chairman’s proposal.

This is what momentum looks like. Let’s keep up the pressure. Tweet your support using the #savetheinternet hashtag. Spread the word – we’re making a difference.



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