
Common Cause Statement on Upcoming California Vote on Money in Politics Amendment

Today's announcement that Californians will vote on a proposal to instruct Congress to pass a constitutional amendment reining in the power of big money in our political system is great news for all Americans and our democracy.

Today’s announcement that Californians will vote in November on a proposal to instruct Congress to pass a constitutional amendment reining in the power of big money in our political system is great news for all Americans and our democracy.

We’re confident that California voters will join those in Colorado and Montana who overwhelmingly called on Congress in 2012 to adopt an amendment permitting common sense regulation of the torrent of money now flooding our elections and government. Voters and/or their elected representatives in 16 states and hundreds of localities, with a population totaling more than 120 million, are now on record urging action to overturn the Supreme Court’s disastrous rulings in Citizens United, McCutcheon and a string of other election law cases.

With the Senate set to vote in September on S.J. Res. 19, the Democracy for All Amendment, and the introduction this week of an identical proposal in the House, it’s clear that public support for an amendment is growing. Today’s news from California reflects and adds to the momentum behind this citizens’ movement.

Common Cause was a major force behind the 2012 ballot measures in Colorado and Montana that first demonstrated strong public support for an amendment. The organization also has figured prominently in campaigns that have led state legislatures, and city, county and town councils across the country to call on Congress to pass an amendment and send it to the states for ratification.




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