
Ohio starts down path of reform by passing two common sense ballot initiatives

Common Cause congratulates Ohio voters for passing common sense reform ballot initiatives.

“Ohio voters today pushed back against the culture of corruption that has dominated Buckeye State politics,” said Common Cause President Chellie Pingree. “The people said ‘no’ to wealthy donors having undue influence on the political process, and ‘yes’ to making it easier to vote.”

“As an Ohioan, I am proud that voters today realized they had a better choice than the status quo,” said Sam Gresham, director of outreach for Common Cause Ohio. “They have chosen to start down the path of reform.”

A redistricting initiative, known as Issue 4 on the ballot and watched closely across the country, disappointingly did not win. But Common Cause remains undeterred in its long-term effort to change the rotten way politicians of both major political parties draw district lines to protect their seats and maintain their party’s power.

“We’ve worked for more than 30 years on redistricting and we certainly won’t stop now,” Pingree said. “We’re disappointed that the redistricting initiatives in Ohio and California didn’t win. But this fight has just begun. We will continue to fight the undemocratic, rigged system of elections that leaves the voters unable to elect those that best represent their interests. These campaigns have started a national dialogue on this issue and we intend to push ahead to hold politicians accountable in Florida, Massachusetts and in other states.”



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