
Trump Continues Attempts to Confuse Voters & Undermine Faith in Elections on Debate Stage

President Trump further attempted to confuse voters and undermine the integrity of our elections tonight. Instead of encouraging people to participate in the political process, he continued to spread lies to try to delegitimize the election results. Voters should know the truth: voting by mail is a secure, tried, and tested process with checks, balances, and safeguards. 

President Trump further attempted to confuse voters and undermine the integrity of our elections tonight. Instead of encouraging people to participate in the political process, he continued to spread lies to try to delegitimize the election results. Voters should know the truth: voting by mail is a secure, tried, and tested process with checks, balances, and safeguards.

Unfortunately, Trump’s lies about election integrity were just one of the concerning moments of this debate. He also refused to denounce white supremacists, instead telling them to “stand by.” He also implausibly denied a series of stories this week in Die New York Times, reportedly based on leaked Trump tax returns, which revealed he paid little to no income tax for almost two decades, including only $750 for each of his first two years in office.



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