David Vance

Nationaler Medienstratege


Lernen Sie David kennen …

David Vance ist der nationale Medienstratege für Common Cause. Er arbeitet mit Mitarbeitern auf nationaler und staatlicher Ebene zusammen, um Medien zu schaffen, die der Stimme der nationalen Organisation und ihrer 35 Landesbüros mehr Gewicht verleihen und die Demokratiereformagenda der nationalen Organisation strategisch vorantreiben.

Bevor er 2016 zu Common Cause kam, war David zehn Jahre lang als Leiter für Kommunikation und Forschung beim Campaign Legal Center tätig und beschäftigte sich dort mit Wahlkampffinanzierung, Wahlrecht und Fragen der Regierungsethik. Während seiner Zeit dort wuchs das Medienprofil der Organisation exponentiell und 2014 erhielt sie einen MacArthur Award für kreative und effektive Institutionen.

David verfügt über einen umfangreichen Hintergrund in den Bereichen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Journalismus. Er war als Leiter der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für einen internationalen Handelsverband tätig und arbeitete für zwei PR-Firmen in Washington, DC, wo er sich für eine breite Palette von Kunden aus den Bereichen Unternehmen, Verbände und gemeinnützige Organisationen um öffentliche Angelegenheiten, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Krisenfragen auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene kümmerte.

Bevor er in die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit einstieg, arbeitete David für mehrere Nachrichtenbüros in Washington, D.C., WCAX-TV in Burlington, Vermont sowie für die Washington Post.

David stammt aus Washington, DC und hat einen MSJ von der Medill School of Journalism der Northwestern University und einen MFA in Kreativem Schreiben von der George Mason University.

Das Neueste von David Vance




Today, Common Cause and the Arab American Institute sent a joint letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates (“CPD”) calling for mechanisms in future debates designed to combat the spread of election disinformation and promote trust in our democratic process. 

Common Cause Response to Supreme Court Granting Cert. Petition in FCC v. Prometheus


Common Cause Response to Supreme Court Granting Cert. Petition in FCC v. Prometheus

Today, the Supreme Court granted the FCC’s petition to review the Third Circuit’s decision to vacate and remand the agency’s actions, which rolled back several media ownership rules. The rules prohibit a single entity from owning too many newspaper, radio, and television stations within a local market.

House to Pass New COVID Relief Package, Senate Must Follow Suit


House to Pass New COVID Relief Package, Senate Must Follow Suit

The House is poised to pass a modified COVID-19 relief package to provide assistance to Americans whose lives have been upended by the pandemic, and to bolster pillars of our democracy strained under the national health crisis. The Senate must act after refusing to move on a more robust relief package passed by the House in May. It is past time for Senate Republicans to move to help the American people instead of focusing on trying to ram through the confirmation of another Supreme Court Justice while ignoring the plight of their constituents.

Trump Continues Attempts to Confuse Voters & Undermine Faith in Elections on Debate Stage


Trump Continues Attempts to Confuse Voters & Undermine Faith in Elections on Debate Stage

President Trump further attempted to confuse voters and undermine the integrity of our elections tonight. Instead of encouraging people to participate in the political process, he continued to spread lies to try to delegitimize the election results. Voters should know the truth: voting by mail is a secure, tried, and tested process with checks, balances, and safeguards. 

Honoring the Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg


Honoring the Legacy of Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Justice Ginsburg was a stalwart defender of our democracy and the rule of law. Throughout her term on the Court, she was a key voice in protecting all Americans’ rights and liberties. Justice Ginsburg was a champion for gender equality, racial justice, LGBTQ+ rights, voting rights, commonsense campaign finance laws, fair redistricting, and more.

Common Cause Files Reply Brief Seeking Summary Judgment Against Trump’s Directive to Exclude Undocumented Immigrants in Census Apportionment Calculations  


Common Cause Files Reply Brief Seeking Summary Judgment Against Trump’s Directive to Exclude Undocumented Immigrants in Census Apportionment Calculations  

On Wednesday, Common Cause filed its reply brief in support of its motion for summary judgment in its challenge to President Trump’s memorandum requiring the exclusion of undocumented immigrants from the congressional apportionment base following the 2020 Census. The brief, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in Common Cause v. Trump, also urges the court to expedite proceedings so that a final judgment and appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court can be completed before January  2021, when the...

Turning Point USA Troll Farm Points to Need for Social Media Platforms to Strengthen Disinformation Protections


Turning Point USA Troll Farm Points to Need for Social Media Platforms to Strengthen Disinformation Protections

Turning Point USA’s Arizona troll farm takes a page from the Russian disinformation playbook from the 2016 presidential race and is likely only the tip of the iceberg. The effort is a direct attack on voters and our democracy, and is a reminder that disinformation that suppresses the vote doesn’t just come from Russia or other hostile foreign powers, or in the form of microtargeted ads. The majority of disinformation that we’ve identified through the Stopping Cyber Suppression program throughout this year’s primary elections has been...

New Report: Amplifying Small-Dollar Donors in the Citizens United Era


New Report: Amplifying Small-Dollar Donors in the Citizens United Era

Analysis shows how Connecticut’s Citizens’ Election Program shifted the balance of power to the people, diversified the legislature and led to better policies for everyday Americans in its first decade



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