
Gerrymander Gazette: Facebook Live on Common Cause v. Rucho

Facebook Live Discussion

Now that the Kavanaugh hearings have wrapped up, we’d like to invite you to join Common Cause for a discussion about how the Supreme Court could play a historic role in the quest to end partisan gerrymandering.

Follow Common Cause on Facebook to join our Facebook Live discussion on Thursday at 3:30 pm PT/6:30 pm ET.

On August 27, we shared a great victory with North Carolina voters in Common Cause gegen Rucho, our case seeking an end to partisan gerrymandering. The court consolidated this case with the Liga der Wählerinnen von North Carolina gegen Rucho. For the second time this year, a panel of three federal judges ruled that North Carolina’s congressional map is an unconstitutional partisan gerrymander. We argued that legislators in North Carolina broke the law when they drew political maps that disadvantaged one party and stole the voice of millions of voters. Fortunately, the trial court agreed.

The defendants have indicated that they will appeal the ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court, which is almost certain to hear that appeal. The Associated Press says this case holds the “greatest potential for change.”

Join two members of Common Cause’s national redistricting reform team on Facebook Live to learn why this case is so important and what’s next in the fight for fair representation.

WHO: Kathay Feng and Dan Vicuna, Common Cause
WHEN: Thursday, September 13 at 3:30 p.m. PT/6:30 pm ET
HOW: Go to the link above to watch live and ask questions or to watch a recording of the discussion after it’s over.

These are some of the topics we’ll cover:

  • Why should anyone outside of North Carolina care about Common Cause gegen Rucho?
  • Can we count on the Supreme Court to ban gerrymandering if Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed?
  • What does the First Amendment have to do with gerrymandering?
  • Can “We The People” slay the gerrymander through the ballot box?
  • How can you help?

We can’t wait to hear from you on Facebook!



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