David Vance

Nationaler Medienstratege


Lernen Sie David kennen …

David Vance ist der nationale Medienstratege für Common Cause. Er arbeitet mit Mitarbeitern auf nationaler und staatlicher Ebene zusammen, um Medien zu schaffen, die der Stimme der nationalen Organisation und ihrer 35 Landesbüros mehr Gewicht verleihen und die Demokratiereformagenda der nationalen Organisation strategisch vorantreiben.

Bevor er 2016 zu Common Cause kam, war David zehn Jahre lang als Leiter für Kommunikation und Forschung beim Campaign Legal Center tätig und beschäftigte sich dort mit Wahlkampffinanzierung, Wahlrecht und Fragen der Regierungsethik. Während seiner Zeit dort wuchs das Medienprofil der Organisation exponentiell und 2014 erhielt sie einen MacArthur Award für kreative und effektive Institutionen.

David verfügt über einen umfangreichen Hintergrund in den Bereichen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Journalismus. Er war als Leiter der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für einen internationalen Handelsverband tätig und arbeitete für zwei PR-Firmen in Washington, DC, wo er sich für eine breite Palette von Kunden aus den Bereichen Unternehmen, Verbände und gemeinnützige Organisationen um öffentliche Angelegenheiten, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Krisenfragen auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene kümmerte.

Bevor er in die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit einstieg, arbeitete David für mehrere Nachrichtenbüros in Washington, D.C., WCAX-TV in Burlington, Vermont sowie für die Washington Post.

David stammt aus Washington, DC und hat einen MSJ von der Medill School of Journalism der Northwestern University und einen MFA in Kreativem Schreiben von der George Mason University.

Das Neueste von David Vance

California Takes Major Step Toward Citizen-Funded Elections


California Takes Major Step Toward Citizen-Funded Elections

Today, Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation to give citizens a greater voice in California’s democracy. With the U.S. Congress gridlocked, California is leading a wave of pro-democratic reforms passed at the state and local level across the country. Senate Bill 1107, by Sen. Ben Allen, D-Santa Monica, gives local governments and the state the choice to enact citizen-funded election programs. California Common Cause sponsored the bill with the California Clean Money Campaign.

SEC Secret Money Rider Included in Spending Bill


SEC Secret Money Rider Included in Spending Bill

Common Cause President Karen Hobert Flynn comments on allowing the SEC rider in the September 2016 budget bill

New Millennial Voting Report Examines Opportunities & Obstacles for Generation that Now Outnumbers Baby Boomers


New Millennial Voting Report Examines Opportunities & Obstacles for Generation that Now Outnumbers Baby Boomers

Today, Common Cause released a new report on youth voting trends, opportunities and obstacles faced by Millennials as they seek to make their voices heard in the 2016 election. Millennials have overtaken Baby Boomers to become the largest generation of living Americans but youth voter turnout lagged far behind their older counterparts in 2012 (38% to 63.4%).

Common Cause Welcomes Veteran Democracy Reform Attorney Paul Seamus Ryan as Vice President of Policy and Litigation


Common Cause Welcomes Veteran Democracy Reform Attorney Paul Seamus Ryan as Vice President of Policy and Litigation

Common Cause is pleased to announce that veteran campaign finance attorney Paul Seamus Ryan will join Common Cause as Vice President for Policy and Litigation in late October. Mr. Ryan will lead Common Cause’s national efforts to reduce barriers to a more representative democracy, including obstacles to full participation like money in politics, gerrymandering, and vote suppression, guiding public policy campaigns and litigation. He will also support efforts for the organization’s 35 state operations working to create a 21st...

Common Cause Hails U.S. Supreme Court’s Rejection of MI AG’s Last-Ditch Appeal to Ban Straight-Ticket Voting this Election


Common Cause Hails U.S. Supreme Court’s Rejection of MI AG’s Last-Ditch Appeal to Ban Straight-Ticket Voting this Election

Common Cause, a party to the lawsuit, issued the following statement today applauding the U.S. Supreme Court’s rejection of Attorney General Bill Schuette’s and the Michigan Secretary of State’s appeal to reinstate the straight-ticket voting ban in time for the November 8 election:

New Scorecard Charts Pro-Democracy Stances for the 114th Congress


New Scorecard Charts Pro-Democracy Stances for the 114th Congress

With Election Day now just two months away, Common Cause released its 2016 Democracy Scorecard that charts the positions of every Member of Congress on issues vital to the health of our democracy.



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