David Vance

Nationaler Medienstratege


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David Vance ist der nationale Medienstratege für Common Cause. Er arbeitet mit Mitarbeitern auf nationaler und staatlicher Ebene zusammen, um Medien zu schaffen, die der Stimme der nationalen Organisation und ihrer 35 Landesbüros mehr Gewicht verleihen und die Demokratiereformagenda der nationalen Organisation strategisch vorantreiben.

Bevor er 2016 zu Common Cause kam, war David zehn Jahre lang als Leiter für Kommunikation und Forschung beim Campaign Legal Center tätig und beschäftigte sich dort mit Wahlkampffinanzierung, Wahlrecht und Fragen der Regierungsethik. Während seiner Zeit dort wuchs das Medienprofil der Organisation exponentiell und 2014 erhielt sie einen MacArthur Award für kreative und effektive Institutionen.

David verfügt über einen umfangreichen Hintergrund in den Bereichen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Journalismus. Er war als Leiter der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für einen internationalen Handelsverband tätig und arbeitete für zwei PR-Firmen in Washington, DC, wo er sich für eine breite Palette von Kunden aus den Bereichen Unternehmen, Verbände und gemeinnützige Organisationen um öffentliche Angelegenheiten, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Krisenfragen auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene kümmerte.

Bevor er in die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit einstieg, arbeitete David für mehrere Nachrichtenbüros in Washington, D.C., WCAX-TV in Burlington, Vermont sowie für die Washington Post.

David stammt aus Washington, DC und hat einen MSJ von der Medill School of Journalism der Northwestern University und einen MFA in Kreativem Schreiben von der George Mason University.

Das Neueste von David Vance

Common Cause fordert Senatoren auf, mit „Ja“ für die Verabschiedung des DISCLOSE-Gesetzes zu stimmen


Common Cause fordert Senatoren auf, mit „Ja“ für die Verabschiedung des DISCLOSE-Gesetzes zu stimmen

Common Cause is urging every member of the U.S. Senate to vote to begin debate on the DISCLOSE Act later this week when the Senate considers the legislation to bring transparency to the secret money groups spending hundreds of millions of dollars to influence our elections. The letter emphasizes that Americans overwhelmingly support legislation to eliminate secret money and cites polling showing that 74% of voters–including strong majorities of Republicans, Independents, and Democrats–favor legislative provisions to provide new...

Common Cause fordert „Ja“-Stimme für Gesetzentwurf zum Schutz der Volkszählung vor politischer Manipulation und Missbrauch 


Common Cause fordert „Ja“-Stimme für Gesetzentwurf zum Schutz der Volkszählung vor politischer Manipulation und Missbrauch 

Common Cause fordert alle Mitglieder des US-Repräsentantenhauses auf, mit „Ja“ zum Gesetz zur Gewährleistung einer fairen und genauen Volkszählung (HR 8326) zu stimmen, um sicherzustellen, dass künftige Volkszählungen nicht dem beispiellosen Ausmaß an Amtsmissbrauch und Politisierung ausgesetzt sind, das die Volkszählung 2020 geplagt hat. Der Brief betont die entscheidende Bedeutung einer transparenten und genauen Zählung aller Menschen in den Vereinigten Staaten in jedem Jahrzehnt, wie es unsere Verfassung vorschreibt, da diese Zählung die Regierung, die öffentliche Politik und die Haushalte des Landes für eine lange Zeit prägt...

New Results: Common Cause Releases “Our Democracy 2022” Candidate Surveys for First Election Since January 6th


New Results: Common Cause Releases “Our Democracy 2022” Candidate Surveys for First Election Since January 6th

Common Cause today released initial results of its Our Democracy 2022 candidate questionnaire in the leadup to the first election since January 6th. With two months to go before Election Day, more than 100 candidates for Congress, including in certain swing House and Senate races, responded on how they promise to defend and strengthen our democracy.

Common Cause Scorecard Charts Lawmaker Support for Pro-Democracy Bills in 117th Congress in Wake of January 6th


Common Cause Scorecard Charts Lawmaker Support for Pro-Democracy Bills in 117th Congress in Wake of January 6th

As the January 6th Select Committee is reportedly set to hold more hearings this month, and less than two years since January 6th, Common Cause is releasing its 2022 Democracy Scorecard, which tracks the positions of every Member of Congress on issues vital to the health of our democracy during the 117th Congress. Throughout this Congress, members of the House and Senate were notified that various votes on key democracy issues – including many related to January 6th and its aftermath - would be counted in the Scorecard, which will be...

Common Cause Files Response Opposing Proposed Apollo Global Management-Standard General-Tegna Merger


Common Cause Files Response Opposing Proposed Apollo Global Management-Standard General-Tegna Merger

Today, Common Cause joined The NewsGuild-CWA, National Association of Broadcast Employees and Technicians-CWA, and UCC Media Justice Ministry in filing a Reply, opposing the proposed merger of Apollo Global Management, Standard General L.P., and Tegna Inc. In June, Common Cause filed its original petition to deny the merger.

Common Cause Endorses Net Neutrality and Broadband Justice Act


Common Cause Endorses Net Neutrality and Broadband Justice Act

Today, Senator Ed Markey (D-MA), Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR), and Congresswoman Doris Matsui (D-CA) along with 28 co-sponsors in the Senate and 26 co-sponsors in the House, introduced the Net Neutrality and Broadband Justice Act. This bill would codify the classification of broadband as a telecommunications service. The bill would also return authority to the Federal Communications Commission to oversee broadband providers and allow the agency to promulgate strong net neutrality rules. Common Cause has long believed that a free and open Internet...

Bannon Conviction Shows No One is Above the Law


Bannon Conviction Shows No One is Above the Law

No American is above the law, including former Presidents and their advisors. That point is hammered home today with the conviction of Steve Bannon for contempt of Congress after he defied subpoenas from the January 6th Committee.

Last Major Carrier Drops Far-Right OAN Network


Last Major Carrier Drops Far-Right OAN Network

Yesterday, Verizon Fios announced that it will drop far-right One America News Network (OANN) from its channel lineup when its current contract expires at the end of July. The move leaves the highly controversial outlet without a major carrier. OANN regularly feeds its viewers disinformation and conspiracy theories – including false and misleading information about the COVID-19 pandemic, the results of the 2020 election, and the attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6th.

Trump Violated His Oath of Office in Desperate Attempt to Cling to Power


Trump Violated His Oath of Office in Desperate Attempt to Cling to Power

Donald Trump blatantly violated his oath of office and fanned the flames of the insurrection on January 6th. As Congress met to certify the election of Joe Biden as President, a defeated Donald Trump incited and set loose a vicious, racist, mob on the United States Capitol – a mob he knew to be heavily armed.  



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