
Majority of House Intelligence Committee Puts Party Over Country, Abruptly Ends Russia Investigation

Americans deserve the truth -- and leaders who will put country before party in delivering it.

Americans deserve the truth — and leaders who will put country before party in delivering it.

The House Intelligence Committee’s investigation into the 2016 attacks on our democracy lost the trust of the American people many months ago. This was in large part due to Chairman Devin Nunes’ dereliction of duty, aided and abetted by many of his colleagues on the committee who are more interested in covering for President Trump than investigating what happened. As we await the full report from the Committee – which we will read with skeptical interest — we renew our call for an independent commission with the authority to investigate what happened and to make recommendations for how to protect against future attacks.

Special Counsel Mueller’s probe into any criminal activity must remain independent and free from interference and obstruction.



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