
Pingree to leave Common Cause

Common Cause National Governing Board Chairman Richard North Patterson today announced that Chellie Pingree is stepping down from her job as the organization’s president and CEO to return to her home state of Maine, where she plans to pursue a possible run for Congress. Jon Goldin-Dubois, Common Cause’s executive vice president, will assume Pingree’s duties on an interim basis until a permanent successor is chosen.

“Common Cause is one of the oldest and largest organizations dedicated to lobbying on behalf of the public interest, and I have been honored to lead it at a time when the public’s voice needs to be heard more than ever,” Pingree said. “I leave with the confidence of knowing that Common Cause founder John Gardner had great reverence for the work of politicians and believed in the responsibility of those who were called to public service to step forward to do the work that must be done.”

“We are grateful to Chellie for the vision and leadership she has provided Common Cause for the last four years,” said Patterson. “Her leadership has played an important role in key victories at the state and federal levels. Now, we look forward to conducting a vigorous search for her successor and continuing Common Cause’s important work of pushing to make our democracy best serve the American public.”

Pingree’s last official day as president and CEO of Common Cause will be Feb. 10, the second day of a two-day national governing board meeting. A search committee comprised of board members and staff will look for a new president.

Under Pingree’s leadership, Common Cause grew its membership, expanded its agenda and allocated resources to key reform efforts in the states, such as Connecticut and Albuquerque, N.M., where lawmakers and voters approved full public financing of elections. Pingree diversified Common Cause’s agenda to include election reform and media issues as they affect democracy. She also continued working the organization’s trademark issues of campaign finance reform and government ethics.



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