Verantwortung der Trump-Regierung

Donald Trump and his administration repeatedly try to undermine our democracy's core values and attack our rights. During this presidency, Common Cause will continue to take bold action to hold the Trump Administration accountable.

Donald Trump hat schamloses Fehlverhalten begangen – vom Machtmissbrauch und der Behinderung der Justiz über die Einmischung in unsere Wahlen bis hin zur Anstiftung zum tödlichen Angriff auf das US-Kapitol am 6. Januar 2021.

Common Cause hat sich bei jeder Gelegenheit für die Rechenschaftspflicht der Trump-Administration eingesetzt und seine beiden Amtsenthebungsverfahren unterstützt. Ziel dieser Bemühungen ist es, klarzustellen, dass niemand, auch nicht der aktuelle und der ehemalige Präsident, über dem Gesetz steht.

Was wir tun

2024 Trumps Disqualifikationsklage


2024 Trumps Disqualifikationsklage

Am 30. Januar 2024 reichte Common Cause beim Obersten Gerichtshof der USA eine Klageschrift ein, in der sie diesen aufforderte, Donald Trump gemäß dem 14. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten zu disqualifizieren.
Lesen Sie unsere Beschwerden: Stormy Daniels Schweigegeld


Lesen Sie unsere Beschwerden: Stormy Daniels Schweigegeld

Donald Trump wurde in 34 Anklagepunkten für schuldig befunden – allesamt im Zusammenhang mit der Schweigegeldzahlung von $130.000, die er an Stormy Daniels geleistet hatte und die Common Cause erstmals im Jahr 2018 aufdeckte.

Handeln Sie

Petition: FIRE Elon Musk


Petition: FIRE Elon Musk

Elon Musk is trying to run our government like it’s one of his companies. Our democracy deserves better.

We demand the immediate firing of Elon Musk from ANY position of influence within our government. Musk’s dangerous influence must end now.

It is time to restore power to the American people and ensure that decisions are made by those accountable to the people, not the wealthy elite.

Gemeinsame Ursache
Tell Congress: Protect birthright citizenship


Tell Congress: Protect birthright citizenship

Trump’s executive order attempting to end birthright citizenship would endanger millions of people born in this country and permanently reshape what it means to be an American.

The 14th Amendment is clear – and legal experts say Trump would likely need to pass a constitutional amendment through Congress to overrule it.

Congress must step up and REFUSE to help Trump shred our Constitution. We urge you to protect birthright citizenship and our 14th Amendment today.

STOPPEN Sie Trumps antidemokratische Agenda „Project 2025“


STOPPEN Sie Trumps antidemokratische Agenda „Project 2025“

Die Agenda „Projekt 2025“ des gewählten Präsidenten wäre ein Albtraum für unsere Demokratie – wenn wir sie nicht stoppen.

Aus diesem Grund rufen wir alle Regierungsvertreter auf, sich zur Verteidigung der Grundwerte unserer Demokratie – Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Wahlrecht und Demonstrationsfreiheit – gegen Trumps gefährliche Agenda zu verpflichten.

Mit Ihrer finanziellen Unterstützung können wir etwas bewirken, indem wir Macht zur Rechenschaft ziehen und die Demokratie zu stärken.


Congress failed. Now it’s up to us.


Congress failed. Now it’s up to us.

All week, we’ve heard from allies on Capitol Hill that their phones were ringing off the hook – and lawmakers on the fence felt enough heat that many switched their votes our way at the very last minute.

House Republicans’ Spending Plan is a Power Grab for Trump and Musk – Democrats Must Say No


House Republicans’ Spending Plan is a Power Grab for Trump and Musk – Democrats Must Say No

Congressional Republicans' new continuing resolution (CR) would keep the government funded but at a dangerous cost, cutting key social programs while giving Donald Trump and Elon Musk unprecedented control over federal spending. Democrats in the Senate must stand up to this power grab.


Common Cause Urges Congress to Include 7 Criteria in Next Government Funding Bill

Common Cause urges Congress to uphold democracy in the next government funding bill by enforcing the rule of law, protecting judicial independence, and ensuring executive accountability.


Explainer: Trump’s Executive Order on Controlling Independent Agencies

Independent agencies are meant to serve the American people free from political influence. Presidential control of these agencies will get in the way of their crucial missions, and let Wall Street crime go unchecked, drive up prices, and open our elections up to cyber-attacks.

By Alton Wang


Anderson Amicus Brief

Common Cause hat unsere Stellungnahme vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof eingereicht und ihn aufgefordert, Donald Trump gemäß dem 14. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten zu disqualifizieren.



Drücken Sie

NEW POLL: Near Majority of Registered Voters Want to Fire Elon Musk


NEW POLL: Near Majority of Registered Voters Want to Fire Elon Musk

A new YouGov poll commissioned by Common Cause shows a near-majority of registered voters would support President Donald Trump firing Elon Musk today from his role as special advisor. Many expressed concerns over cuts to essential and popular federal government services. 

Elections Endangered by DOJ Plan to Close Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF)


Elections Endangered by DOJ Plan to Close Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF)

Yesterday, new U.S. Attorney General Pam Bondi announced plans to disband the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force (FITF). Formed in the wake of Russian interference in the 2016 election, the FITF is charged with identifying and combating foreign influence operations targeting democratic institutions and values inside the United States.

National Advocates Ask Trump: Who’s in Charge, You or Elon?


National Advocates Ask Trump: Who’s in Charge, You or Elon?

WASHINGTON—This afternoon, Common Cause, End Citizens United, and a coalition of 10 diverse advocacy groups, sent a letter to President Trump demanding he fire Elon Musk and shut down the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). Their call comes after Trump named Elon Musk a "special government employee,” raising a major conflict of interest given his private companies that rely on government funding.