

Was ist passiert?

Im Januar 2018 Wall Street Journal broke the story that Michael Cohen – who was President Trump’s personal lawyer and a self-described Trump “fix-it guy” in 2016 – had set up a shell company in Delaware (Essential Consultants LLC) back in October 2016. He then arranged a $130,000 payment to adult film actress Stormy Daniels through that shell company right before the November 2016 presidential election.

Frau Daniels hatte zuvor behauptet, sie habe 2006 eine sexuelle Begegnung mit Trump gehabt. Im Herbst 2016 führte sie Gespräche mit einem oder mehreren nationalen Medien, um ihre Geschichte öffentlich zu machen.

Wie hat Common Cause reagiert?

Am 22. Januar 2018 reichte Common Cause als erste Organisation eine Beschwerde mit dem Justizministerium und eine Beschwerde mit der Federal Election Commission, die behauptet, dass die Zahlung von $130.000 von Essential Consultants LLC an Frau Daniels eine nicht gemeldete und illegale Sachspende an die Trump-Kampagne. Den Beschwerden zufolge betrug die Zahlung:

  • Mit dem Ziel, die Präsidentschaftswahlen 2016 zu beeinflussen.
  • Hergestellt in Abstimmung mit der Kampagne über Trumps Anwalt Michael Cohen.

At that time, the source of the $130,000 was unknown – and Common Cause named both the Trump Organization and “John Doe” as possible sources. In March 2018, however, based on public statements by Micheal Cohen claiming that he paid the funds to Ms. Daniels, Common Cause amended its complaints to allege an illegally large in-kind contribution from Cohen to the Trump campaign.

Es ist klar, dass das Geld gezahlt wurde, weil das Trump-Team befürchtete, dass das Auftauchen ihrer Geschichte kurz vor der Wahl 2016 torpedieren Trumps Chance, Präsident zu werden. That makes the payment a campaign contribution – and the Trump campaign’s failure to disclose it to the Federal Election Commission illegal.

Und wenn das Geld, wie dieser behauptet, von Trumps Anwalt Michael Cohen stammte, überstieg es den gesetzlichen Grenzwert für Wahlkampfspenden um mehr als $127.000.

Where can I read the complaints against Trump?

Warum ist das wichtig?

We deserve a democracy where candidates for office – and especially candidates for president – are held to the highest ethical standards. Looking the other way and letting Trump and his associates get away with an alleged violation of campaign finance law would set a dangerous precedent.

In einem social media post on March 18, 2023, Trump told his followers that he expected to be arrested as part of the Manhattan District Attorney’s investigation into the payment to Stormy Daniels. He called on his supporters to protest in response – and even urged them to “take our nation back.”

We cannot let Trump intimidate his way out of accountability and blatantly subvert the rule of law. This and every investigation into his conduct – including his actions surrounding the January 6th insurrection and his attempts to change 2020 election results in Georgia – must proceed unobstructed.

Common Cause has fought for over 50 years to put a stop to corruption and make our government more transparent. With your help, we can do it again.


Explainer: Trump’s Executive Order on Controlling Independent Agencies

Independent agencies are meant to serve the American people free from political influence. Presidential control of these agencies will get in the way of their crucial missions, and let Wall Street crime go unchecked, drive up prices, and open our elections up to cyber-attacks.

By Alton Wang


Wir, das Volk

Unser kleines Geld, unsere Wahlen, unsere Stimmen.


Anderson Amicus Brief

Common Cause hat unsere Stellungnahme vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof eingereicht und ihn aufgefordert, Donald Trump gemäß dem 14. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten zu disqualifizieren.


Höhepunkte und Erfolge ab 2022