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Government Accountability Groups Urge House to Strengthen the Office of Congressional Ethics and Make It Permanent


Government Accountability Groups Urge House to Strengthen the Office of Congressional Ethics and Make It Permanent

Today, Common Cause and other government accountability groups urged every member of the U.S. House of Representatives to strengthen the independent Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) and make the office permanent. Even if Congress does not codify the OCE into law at this time, the groups stress the importance of maintaining the office’s continued existence and the importance of not weakening it in the 119th Congress. The letter emphasizes overwhelming public support for increased ethics and accountability measures and touts the success of...


David Vance

Nationaler Medienstratege

Katie Scally


Ariana Marmolejo

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (West)

Jennifer Garcia

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (Süd)

Kenny Colston

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (Mittlerer Westen)

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Santa Fe New Mexican (Op-Ed): Bemühungen zur Modernisierung der Legislative fallen dem kaputten System zum Opfer


Santa Fe New Mexican (Op-Ed): Bemühungen zur Modernisierung der Legislative fallen dem kaputten System zum Opfer

Außenstehenden, die in unseren Staat kommen, fällt oft auf, dass New Mexico in puncto Infrastruktur, Bildung, Armut, Wohlergehen der Gemeinschaft und praktisch jeder anderen Statistik, mit der man den Erfolg einer Gesellschaft misst, im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Staaten um Jahre zurückliegt.

Dieser Ruf geht mit einer mangelhaften Gesetzgebungsstruktur einher, die den Fortschritt auf vielen Ebenen behindert. Wir sind der einzige Staat, in dem die Gesetzgeber kein Gehalt erhalten. Den meisten fehlt es an professionellem Personal für politische Forschung und Wählerbetreuung, und sie tagen nur für die drittkürzeste Zeit...

Honolulu Star Advertiser: 5 Questions: Camron Hurt, of Common Cause Hawaii


Honolulu Star Advertiser: 5 Questions: Camron Hurt, of Common Cause Hawaii

What aspect of “good government” does Hawaii do well, and where does it need the most improvement?

Hawaii is truly a dynamic state. Areas of good governance that Hawaii does well include human rights as well as establishing safe avenues for citizen participation in democracy.

However, this is simply not enough as we continue to struggle with participation in democracy, transparency and strategic vision. Perhaps the aspect of good governance that is most missing from our state would be strong and pragmatic...

Schutzmaßnahmen des John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act sind heute nötiger denn je


Schutzmaßnahmen des John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act sind heute nötiger denn je

Der bundesstaatliche Schutz des John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act ist für den Kongress von entscheidender Bedeutung, da die Wahlfreiheit in unserem Land in Gefahr ist. Die Wahlfreiheit, ein Grundpfeiler unserer Demokratie, ist seit der Wahl 2020 anhaltenden Angriffen ausgesetzt. In Staaten im ganzen Land wurden Dutzende von Gesetzen gegen die Wahl verabschiedet, um es den Amerikanern – insbesondere in schwarzen und braunen Gemeinden – schwerer zu machen, bei der Wahl ihrer gewählten Politiker mitzureden.

Mercury News: The campaign to replace U.S. Rep. Anna Eshoo is California’s most expensive House race. Here’s where the money is flowing.


Mercury News: The campaign to replace U.S. Rep. Anna Eshoo is California’s most expensive House race. Here’s where the money is flowing.

Sean McMorris, the transparency, ethics and accountability program manager for good government group California Common Cause, said it becomes an accountability issue because some self-funded candidates don’t engage with voters as much because they don’t need to solicit as many donations.

“Money should not dictate who should run for office or who gets elected,” he said.

At the congressional level, money plays a large role in the election, and while McMorris said it’s not the “determining factor,”...

Colorado Politics: Colorado lawmakers seek to penalize ‘fake electors’ under perjury laws


Colorado Politics: Colorado lawmakers seek to penalize ‘fake electors’ under perjury laws

"There must be consequences for overturning the will of the voters, both to prevent these schemes from being attempted in the future and to ensure accountability to those responsible for future attempts," added Aly Belknap of Colorado Common Cause.

Politik in Colorado: „Deepfakes“ und KI-Inhalte: Colorados Gesetzgeber tauchen vor den Wahlen im November in neue Technologien ein


Politik in Colorado: „Deepfakes“ und KI-Inhalte: Colorados Gesetzgeber tauchen vor den Wahlen im November in neue Technologien ein

Aly Belknap von Colorado Common Cause teilte Holmans Bedenken und betonte die Allgegenwärtigkeit von Deepfakes und anderen Möglichkeiten zur Verbreitung von „Desinformation“, wie etwa gefälschte Social-Media-Profile. Diese Probleme, so Belknap, zusammen mit dem schwindenden Vertrauen der Amerikaner in die Medien, stellten eine Bedrohung für die Zukunft fairer Wahlen dar.

„Die Verfügbarkeit generativer KI-Tools macht es einfacher denn je, mit wenigen Mitteln und in großem Maßstab falsche Informationen und Propaganda zu verbreiten, was die Wähler verwirrt und weiter...

San Francisco Chronicle/CalMatters: Why Does California Elect Local Judges?


San Francisco Chronicle/CalMatters: Why Does California Elect Local Judges?

That's concerning to Jonathan Mehta Stein, executive director of Common Cause California, an advocacy group that focuses on fair elections and representation: "Our judges are supposed to be above the fray of politics and totally unbiased in their decision-making," he wrote in an email. "Whether or not that's actually true, it certainly does not help public perception of the judiciary to force our judges to raise special interest dollars, make campaign promises, and so forth."

He added that even very engaged voters struggle to...

Oregon Public Broadcasting: Campaign finance limits crafted by major donors will now go before Oregon lawmakers


Oregon Public Broadcasting: Campaign finance limits crafted by major donors will now go before Oregon lawmakers

“We would love to see the legislature accomplish this critical issue for our democracy,” Common Cause Oregon, one of the ballot measure’s backers, said in a statement. “Unfortunately, the current proposal does not serve the goals we support.”

San Francisco Chronicle/San Jose Spotlight: Special Interests Spend Big In Silicon Valley Congressional Race


San Francisco Chronicle/San Jose Spotlight: Special Interests Spend Big In Silicon Valley Congressional Race

Sean McMorris, transparency, ethics and accountability program manager for California Common Cause, said super PACs are likely spending more in this race because it's an open seat. McMorris added that even if there's no coordination between candidates and the super PACs, these groups support candidates who they think would best protect the groups' interests.

"It sends a strong message," McMorris told San Jose Spotlight. "They're hoping in one way or another that the candidate feels some type of obligation toward them once...

CBS Austin (VIDEO): Most Texas voters say political violence “likely” over 2024 election, poll finds


CBS Austin (VIDEO): Most Texas voters say political violence “likely” over 2024 election, poll finds

"Both parties have an obligation to be pushing back against that distrust, that lie, and that misinformation about our elections, and calling for calm and easy elections, where everyone can cast their ballot freely from intimidation," Katya Ehresman, voting rights program manager with Common Cause Texas, said.

Spectrum News (VIDEO): Four Republican committee chairs, including Wisconsin’s Mike Gallagher, are leaving Congress


Spectrum News (VIDEO): Four Republican committee chairs, including Wisconsin’s Mike Gallagher, are leaving Congress

“This is money that was contributed to a campaign for a purpose of getting them elected or re-elected to a specific office,” said Jay Heck, the executive director of Common Cause Wisconsin. “And once a member of Congress has decided they’re no longer going to run for that office, it seems to me that any leftover money ought to be liquidated, that the money should either be donated to a charity, maybe given back to the U.S. taxpayers in the form of a contribution to the debt.”



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