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Government Accountability Groups Urge House to Strengthen the Office of Congressional Ethics and Make It Permanent


Government Accountability Groups Urge House to Strengthen the Office of Congressional Ethics and Make It Permanent

Today, Common Cause and other government accountability groups urged every member of the U.S. House of Representatives to strengthen the independent Office of Congressional Ethics (OCE) and make the office permanent. Even if Congress does not codify the OCE into law at this time, the groups stress the importance of maintaining the office’s continued existence and the importance of not weakening it in the 119th Congress. The letter emphasizes overwhelming public support for increased ethics and accountability measures and touts the success of...


David Vance

Nationaler Medienstratege

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Ariana Marmolejo

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Jennifer Garcia

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South Bend Tribune (Op-Ed): Unsere städtische Gesundheit hängt am seidenen Faden. Indianas Gesetzgeber kümmert sich nicht darum


South Bend Tribune (Op-Ed): Unsere städtische Gesundheit hängt am seidenen Faden. Indianas Gesetzgeber kümmert sich nicht darum

Der jüngste Indiana Civic Health Index sollte für die gewählten Politiker in Indiana ein Weckruf sein, so wie der Alarm von medizinischen Geräten, die Ärzte und Krankenschwestern auf einen Patienten aufmerksam machen, der dringend ärztliche Hilfe benötigt. Wenn Sie den Bericht nicht gelesen haben, möchte ich die Alarme deutlich benennen. Indiana:  

* Platz 50 bei den Wahlen 2022  
* belegte in den letzten 13 Jahren bei Abstimmungen stets einen der letzten 10 Plätze 
* ist in den letzten 11 Jahren sowohl bei der Wahlbeteiligung als auch bei der Wählerregistrierung in der Rangfolge zurückgefallen ...

Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Yahoo! News: Texas voter fraud activist leads closed-door poll watcher training at Arlington church


Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Yahoo! News: Texas voter fraud activist leads closed-door poll watcher training at Arlington church

Such training sessions and the election day actions for which they prepare attendees are less about ensuring integrity in Texas elections than they are about voter intimidation, according to Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, a nongovernmental organization that works to expand voting rights.

While he was unaware of what Pressley’s session was to cover, he said in a phone interview that such groups “seem to be going out of their way to use poll watchers to intimidate or at least harass voters of...

Indiana Capital Chronicle: Umstrittener Gesetzentwurf zur Wahlsicherheit könnte geändert werden


Indiana Capital Chronicle: Umstrittener Gesetzentwurf zur Wahlsicherheit könnte geändert werden

Julia Vaughn, Leiterin der Regierungsaufsichtsbehörde Common Cause Indiana, forderte das Komitee ebenfalls auf, seine Aufmerksamkeit stattdessen dem BMV zuzuwenden.

„Es erscheint rückständig, dies durch die Prüfung des Wählerstatus anzugreifen. Warum bringt man das Bureau of Motor Vehicles nicht dazu, die illegale Registrierung von Personen einzustellen?“, fragte sie.

Yahoo! News/Politico: Adams’ pledge of government efficiency remains out of reach


Yahoo! News/Politico: Adams’ pledge of government efficiency remains out of reach

“It’s that baseline of service that really affects how people think about their government,” said Susan Lerner of Common Cause New York, a government reform group. “It’s not about speeches and the big issues; it’s about whether you’ve made a noise complaint and nobody gets back to you for a week.”

For Lerner, head of Common Cause, the city’s recent budget cuts — coupled with a struggle to fill vacant positions and a hiring freeze — could hurt the Adams administration’s ability to maintain the nuts and...

Wahlkrise in Arizona durch saubere Lösung der Frage der Neuauszählung der Stimmen abgewendet


Wahlkrise in Arizona durch saubere Lösung der Frage der Neuauszählung der Stimmen abgewendet

PHOENIX — Nach Monaten angespannter Verhandlungen haben die Abgeordneten des Staates Arizona gerade eine Lösung für die Neuauszählung der Stimmen gefunden. Die Lösung, HB2785, behebt ein massives Problem, das durch frühere Gesetze verursacht wurde, indem den Wahlbeamten ausreichend Zeit gegeben wird, die Stimmen nach Abschluss der Wahlen auszuzählen. 

Common Dreams: FCC Announces New Rule to Confront Deepfake Robocalls


Common Dreams: FCC Announces New Rule to Confront Deepfake Robocalls

Ishan Mehta, media and democracy program director for Common Cause, said the calls in New Hampshire last month represented "only the tip of the iceberg" and warned that "it is critically important that the FCC now use this authority to fine violators and block the telephone companies that carry the calls."

Mehta called on Congress to pass the Protect Elections from Deceptive AI Act, which would prohibit the distribution ofdeceptive AI-generated audio, images, or video relating to federal candidates in political ads.

FCC Outlaws AI Robocalls


FCC Outlaws AI Robocalls

Today, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) unanimously voted to outlaw robocalls that utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) voice-cloning tools. Long a matter of concern, the issue made national headlines when the technology was utilized to mimic President Biden’s voice in robocalls in the runup to the New Hampshire primary. Those calls are currently under investigation by the New Hampshire Attorney General’s office. The FCC ban is effective immediately.

Trump SCOTUS Defense Does not Deny Insurrection, Insists on Presidential Exemption


Trump SCOTUS Defense Does not Deny Insurrection, Insists on Presidential Exemption

In our nation no one is above the law. Not even former presidents. It is telling that Donald Trump’s lawyer in the Supreme Court today made no effort to assert that his client had not fomented an insurrection. He did not refute that Donald Trump on January 6 directed heavily-armed militants to go the Capitol to “fight like hell” to disrupt the certification of the 2020 presidential election as part of his attempt to deny the will of the people and steal the election.    

PolitiFact/Austin American-Statesman: Elon Musk wrong to say Joe Biden is recruiting immigrants to create a Democratic majority


PolitiFact/Austin American-Statesman: Elon Musk wrong to say Joe Biden is recruiting immigrants to create a Democratic majority

It’s easy to discount such "conspiracy theory nonsense" from random trolls on X, but it’s powerful when it comes from Musk, who owns the platform, said Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of Common Cause Texas, a group that advocates for voting rights.

Democracies require participation, and falsehoods "only increase the likelihood that people will lose faith in our elections and simply opt out," Gutierrez said.

USA Today: Hawaii looks to combat AI-generated deepfakes and disinformation ahead of 2024 elections


USA Today: Hawaii looks to combat AI-generated deepfakes and disinformation ahead of 2024 elections

The legislation has also received support from non-profit pro-democracy groups such as Public Citizen and Common Cause Hawaii. Camron Hurt, program manager for Common Cause Hawaii, called the threat of AI deepfakes “a big issue for democracy right now.”

“The cat’s out of the bag, technology has outpaced our laws. But now we must catch up and it’s important that we spearhead and that we help lead that charge and make sure that harmful AI deep fakes and alike are removed from any way of being in our elections," Hurt said.

Lincoln Journal Star (Kommentar): Einen Kompromiss einhalten


Lincoln Journal Star (Kommentar): Einen Kompromiss einhalten

Wenn die Sitzungsperiode 2024 ein neues Kapitel einläuten soll, wie Sprecher Arch es gefordert hat, dann muss Senator Halloran seine Zusage einhalten. Alle Versuche, eine Resolution nach Artikel V zu verabschieden, sollten bis 2027 auf Eis gelegt werden. Versprechen und Kompromisse während der gesamten Amtszeit einzuhalten, wäre in der Tat ein „Vorbild“ für andere Landtage.



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