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Washington erzielt hohe Punktzahlen auf Common Causes Demokratie-Scorecard 2024 


Washington erzielt hohe Punktzahlen auf Common Causes Demokratie-Scorecard 2024 

Washington — Die überparteiliche Watchdog-Organisation Common Cause hat ihre „Democracy Scorecard“ für 2024 veröffentlicht, in der die Unterstützung jedes Kongressmitglieds für das Wahlrecht, die Ethik des Obersten Gerichtshofs und andere Reformen erfasst wird.  


David Vance

Nationaler Medienstratege

Katie Scally


Ariana Marmolejo

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (West)

Jennifer Garcia

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (Süd)

Kenny Colston

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (Mittlerer Westen)

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4028 Results


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NPR Morning Edition (AUDIO): The GOP needs more of its voters to cast ballots early. What’s the problem?


NPR Morning Edition (AUDIO): The GOP needs more of its voters to cast ballots early. What’s the problem?

Despite endorsing Bank Your Vote, on the trail, Trump has continued to cast doubt on the legitimacy and security of mail voting in particular. Aaron Scherb with Common Cause says this is a huge hurdle for the RNC. He says Republicans across the country have been maligning mail voting since 2020. He says it's going to be hard for them to convince their voters to get over a distrust they created.

AARON SCHERB: So getting voters to, like, unlearn or unhear those messages is tough to undo that damage. And so I think that's what this...

Yahoo! News/Providence Journal: ‘Relentless grind’: Providence City Council is a big job. Some members aren’t always doing it.


Yahoo! News/Providence Journal: ‘Relentless grind’: Providence City Council is a big job. Some members aren’t always doing it.

"Certainly the fact that it is very low-paying, that’s kind of a reflection of the value that has pervaded for a long time in America – that legislatures should be made up of regular citizens or residents of the state or city that they’re representing," said John Marion, executive director of Common Cause Rhode Island. "But we know that it can result in bodies not being necessarily as representative of a community as [they] could be because the lack of pay means that people who don’t have flexible jobs or don’t have a source of...

New York Times: Candidates Lay Groundwork For Fraud Cries Before Caucuses


New York Times: Candidates Lay Groundwork For Fraud Cries Before Caucuses

“This follows the general playbook, the election denier playbook of just pre-emptively laying the groundwork for claims of fraud in the event of a loss,” said Emma Steiner, the Information Accountability Project Manager at Common Cause. “It’s sort of future-proofing.”

Cleveland.com/The Plain Dealer: $15k on tickets. $2k/month on meals. Inside a Cleveland-area House rep’s campaign spending


Cleveland.com/The Plain Dealer: $15k on tickets. $2k/month on meals. Inside a Cleveland-area House rep’s campaign spending

Catherine Turcer, executive director of Common Cause Ohio, which advocates for better government ethics laws and transparency in campaign finance, reviewed Patton’s audits. She said the most obvious aggrieved party to questionable campaign spending would be the donors. But in a less-direct way, she said problems arise in a representative democracy when public officials can enrich themselves in the process via interested donors.

“Campaign cash is not a slush fund,” she said. “It is intended to be spent to get yourself...

Texas Tribune/San Antonio Express-News: Texas GOP chair Matt Rinaldi backed a group with white supremacist ties — while working for its billionaire funder


Texas Tribune/San Antonio Express-News: Texas GOP chair Matt Rinaldi backed a group with white supremacist ties — while working for its billionaire funder

Anthony Gutierrez, executive director of the watchdog group Common Cause Texas, said Rinaldi’s legal representation of Wilks was “shocking,” especially in light of the ongoing scandals involving Defend Texas Liberty that Rinaldi has been involved in.

“We all know money equals power in Texas politics and billionaires like the Wilks use their wealth liberally to bend public policy to their liking all the time,” he said. “But it's still pretty shocking.”

Washington Post: Maryland Elections Board member arrested on Jan. 6 riot charges, resigns


Washington Post: Maryland Elections Board member arrested on Jan. 6 riot charges, resigns

“After the 2024 election, the General Assembly should seriously consider whether the process for selecting board members needs to be changed. This should be a wake-up call,” Morgan Drayton, policy and engagement manager at the nonpartisan government watchdog group Common Cause Maryland, said in a statement.

“It is sickening to think that Ayala was making decisions about our elections after allegedly participating in the attempted insurrection. His disrespect for the voices of Maryland voters and his disregard for the...

Axios: Lawmaker says free bus rides on Election Day are “not fair”


Axios: Lawmaker says free bus rides on Election Day are “not fair”

Julia Vaughn, Common Cause Indiana executive director, doesn't think the legislation would have a significant impact on elections or voter turnout, but said it sends a bad message in a state that already struggles with low voter turnout.

"We need to make voting more accessible and convenient to people," she said.

Star-Ledger/NY.Com (Op-Ed): Es ist Zeit für Newark, junge Menschen in die Schulratswahlen einzubeziehen


Star-Ledger/NY.Com (Op-Ed): Es ist Zeit für Newark, junge Menschen in die Schulratswahlen einzubeziehen

Bei einer Beteiligung von knapp über 31 TP3T könnten die Schulratswahlen in Newark eine Dosis frischer, junger Energie gebrauchen. Geben Sie diesen Schülern die Chance, gehört zu werden, und Sie werden überrascht sein, wie viel sie leisten können.

Wir ermutigen den Stadtrat von Newark, seine Verordnung zur Herabsetzung des Wahlalters bei Schulratswahlen positiv zu verabschieden und wir können es kaum erwarten zu sehen, was diese Schüler leisten, wenn man ihnen die Chance dazu gibt.

KQED/NPR – Political Breakdown (Audio): Can Election Law Keep Up With AI and Deep Fakes?


KQED/NPR – Political Breakdown (Audio): Can Election Law Keep Up With AI and Deep Fakes?

The 2024 election will be the first where artificial intelligence, or AI, could play a big role — and not necessarily a good one. Today in Sacramento, the head of California Common Cause announced proposals to address the potential problems from things like deepfakes intended to confuse voters. Scott Shafer is joined by Jonathan Mehta Stein, head of Common Cause, to discuss threats posed by technology for this election.

Raw Story: Revealed: Donors foot the bill for Marjorie Taylor Greene’s election law violation


Raw Story: Revealed: Donors foot the bill for Marjorie Taylor Greene’s election law violation

“If I was one of her donors, I wouldn’t want my donations to be paying fines for when she did something wrong,” said Aaron Scherb, senior director of legislative affairs for Common Cause, a nonprofit watchdog organization that filed an initial FEC complaint against Greene. “There’s a little bit of an optics issue.”

The Oregonian: Former OLCC board chair lands pot job


The Oregonian: Former OLCC board chair lands pot job

Kate Titus, executive director of Common Cause Oregon, a grassroots, nonpartisan organization that works to strengthen and advance democracy, said Révoal's leap into the industry that he up until recently regulated raises questions.

"Democracies die when we erode ethics norms," she said. "It's not just a matter of following the letter of the law. It's about keeping clear, bright lines between working for the public interest and working for one's own private interest."

Omaha World Herald: Parlament von Nebraska prüft neue Regeln zur Begrenzung von Filibustern


Omaha World Herald: Parlament von Nebraska prüft neue Regeln zur Begrenzung von Filibustern

Gavin Geis, Geschäftsführer von Common Cause Nebraska, sagte, die aktuellen Regeln dienten als Schutzmaßnahme, um einen ausgewogenen Ansatz bei der Neugliederung der Wahlbezirke sicherzustellen. Dabei handelt es sich um einen Prozess, der im ganzen Land wegen seiner Überpolitisierung scharfer Kritik ausgesetzt ist.

„Die Abschaffung der Parteizugehörigkeit als Faktor bei der Auswahl der Ausschussmitglieder kann zu einem Mangel an Vielfalt im Denken und in der Perspektive führen, was eine verzerrte Darstellung zur Folge hat, die die politische Landschaft unseres Staates nicht richtig widerspiegelt“, sagte Geis.



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