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Washington erzielt hohe Punktzahlen auf Common Causes Demokratie-Scorecard 2024 


Washington erzielt hohe Punktzahlen auf Common Causes Demokratie-Scorecard 2024 

Washington — Die überparteiliche Watchdog-Organisation Common Cause hat ihre „Democracy Scorecard“ für 2024 veröffentlicht, in der die Unterstützung jedes Kongressmitglieds für das Wahlrecht, die Ethik des Obersten Gerichtshofs und andere Reformen erfasst wird.  


David Vance

Nationaler Medienstratege

Katie Scally


Ariana Marmolejo

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (West)

Jennifer Garcia

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (Süd)

Kenny Colston

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (Mittlerer Westen)

Common Causes Netzwerk nationaler und staatlicher Experten für Demokratiereformen ist häufig als Medienkommentator tätig. Um mit einem unserer Experten zu sprechen, wenden Sie sich bitte an ein Mitglied des oben genannten Presseteams.


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4028 Ergebnisse


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Colorado Newsline (Op-Ed): To protect our democracy, Donald Trump must be barred from the Colorado ballot


Colorado Newsline (Op-Ed): To protect our democracy, Donald Trump must be barred from the Colorado ballot

Following this ruling, Colorado Common Cause and former Colorado Secretary of State Mary Estill Buchanan filed an amicus brief in the Colorado Supreme Court asserting that former President Donald Trump should be excluded from the ballot under the 14th Amendment for his role in the January 6th insurrection.

Specifically, Common Cause’s amicus brief urges that the Court affirm the findings of the District Court that Donald Trump engaged in insurrection against the Constitution of the United States, and that the Court reverse...

Daily Beast: ‘Absurd’: As 2024 Looms, Counties Won’t Update Voting Tech


Daily Beast: ‘Absurd’: As 2024 Looms, Counties Won’t Update Voting Tech

Emma Steiner, Information Accountability Project manager at the watchdog group Common Cause, said the Albert plays a role in a broader far-right conspiracy theory about “the role of connection to the internet at polling places.”

“It’s all part of this broader narrative that election workers are conspiring against voters, and that voting machines cannot be trusted,” Steiner noted.

In actuality, the sensors are passive devices that listen for known intrusions on a county’s internet network, said Susannah...

Santa Fe New Mexican (Editorial): Increase the alcohol tax and save lives: It’s that simple


Santa Fe New Mexican (Editorial): Increase the alcohol tax and save lives: It’s that simple

It’s no wonder New Mexico hasn’t raised the excise tax on alcohol over the past 40 years. A report from citizens’ interest group Common Cause New Mexico lays out just why legislators are so reluctant to tax alcohol, both as a means of raising revenue and to reduce drinking. Called “Still Under the Influence,” the report successfully — as it intends — “connects the dots” from contributions to policy outcome.

In 2023 alone, liquor lobbyists spent $74,968 on entertaining and wining and dining legislators,...

KUNM (NPR): Advocates for drawing fairer voting maps will try again to take the job away from NM lawmakers


KUNM (NPR): Advocates for drawing fairer voting maps will try again to take the job away from NM lawmakers

Dede Feldman, former Democratic state Senator and advocate with Common Cause New Mexico, said on New Mexico in Focus that the current process is inherently partisan.

“The Legislature is always going to fall into the trap of having the majority party draw the map that they like to maximize their influence,” she said.

Detroit Free Press: Whitmer signs bills implementing Proposal 1


Detroit Free Press: Whitmer signs bills implementing Proposal 1

"We're pleased to see Governor Whitmer sign this long overdue ethics reform into law—but ultimately, the law falls short of voters' expectations," said Quentin Turner, director of Common Cause Michigan, an organization seeking to promote greater government accountability. "Despite overwhelming, bi-partisan support for greater transparency from our elected officials, lawmakers weakened the law to shield themselves from public scrutiny."

PolitiFact – Half True: Wisconsin Republicans are backing “a nonpartisan redistricting plan based off the Iowa Model. … Republicans, Democrats, and the Governor pushed this plan last time redistricting happened in 2020.”


PolitiFact – Half True: Wisconsin Republicans are backing “a nonpartisan redistricting plan based off the Iowa Model. … Republicans, Democrats, and the Governor pushed this plan last time redistricting happened in 2020.”

Jay Heck, executive director of Common Cause Wisconsin, pointed to the change in support of the Iowa model by Republican lawmakers.

"The short answer is that very few Republicans and certainly not Tusler ever supported any version of the Iowa model legislation before Sept. 11, 2023 -- the date Robin Vos announced his plan," Heck told PolitiFact Wisconsin.

Common Cause is a nonpartisan national group with state chapters devoted to fighting for reforms to gerrymandering, political spending and other issues.

Reuters: Voter advocates, conservative activists brace for 2024 election showdowns


Reuters: Voter advocates, conservative activists brace for 2024 election showdowns

Ahead of the election, officials can avoid some of the chaos that fraud-chasing poll watchers created in 2020 by setting clear rules and educating the public about the way tabulation processes, such as signature verification, normally work, said Suzanne Almeida, who leads political violence prevention and response work at the non-partisan Common Cause.

Die National Voting in Prison Coalition lobt die bahnbrechende Einführung des Inclusive Democracy Act von 2023 


Die National Voting in Prison Coalition lobt die bahnbrechende Einführung des Inclusive Democracy Act von 2023 

In einem bahnbrechenden Schritt zur Ausweitung des Wahlrechts und Stärkung der demokratischen Teilhabe haben die Abgeordnete Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) und Senator Peter Welch (VT) heute den Inclusive Democracy Act von 2023 eingebracht. Dieses bahnbrechende Gesetz soll die diskriminierende Praxis des Entzugs des Wahlrechts bei Bundeswahlen aufgrund von Straftaten beenden und sicherstellen, dass alle Amerikaner, unabhängig von einer strafrechtlichen Verurteilung, das Grundrecht haben, zu wählen.  

Inclusive Democracy Act Would End Felony Disenfranchisement 


Inclusive Democracy Act Would End Felony Disenfranchisement 

Today, Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA) and Sen. Peter Welch (D-VT) introduced the Inclusive Democracy Act of 2023, a bill to end felony disenfranchisement. This groundbreaking legislation seeks to eliminate the discriminatory practice of felony disenfranchisement for federal elections, ensuring that all Americans, regardless of a criminal conviction, have the fundamental right to vote. 

Denver Post: Will Trump be on Colorado’s 2024 ballot? State Supreme Court takes on the case


Denver Post: Will Trump be on Colorado’s 2024 ballot? State Supreme Court takes on the case

Several law professors as well as Colorado Common Cause and the Constitutional Accountability Center, which advocates for a progressive reading of the founding document, urged the state’s justices to bar Trump from the state’s ballot.

The filing from Common Cause, a government watchdog group, called it “a great credit to prior generations of American political leaders” that the disqualification clause of the Constitution had so rarely been invoked — but argued this case rose to that standard.

“The fact...

Wisconsin Examiner: Republican lawmakers propose dissolving Wisconsin Elections Commission


Wisconsin Examiner: Republican lawmakers propose dissolving Wisconsin Elections Commission

Jay Heck, executive director of voting rights advocacy organization Common Cause Wisconsin, says the introduction of the proposal will only serve to confuse voters ahead of next year’s elections.

Under the bill, the administrator of the WEC would need to work with the secretary of state to transition election responsibilities by June 30, 2024 —a little more than four months before the presidential election.

“The thing that’s most disturbing about it is it’s creating, deliberately, a chaotic, confusing...



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