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Washington erzielt hohe Punktzahlen auf Common Causes Demokratie-Scorecard 2024 


Washington erzielt hohe Punktzahlen auf Common Causes Demokratie-Scorecard 2024 

Washington — Die überparteiliche Watchdog-Organisation Common Cause hat ihre „Democracy Scorecard“ für 2024 veröffentlicht, in der die Unterstützung jedes Kongressmitglieds für das Wahlrecht, die Ethik des Obersten Gerichtshofs und andere Reformen erfasst wird.  


David Vance

Nationaler Medienstratege

Katie Scally


Ariana Marmolejo

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (West)

Jennifer Garcia

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (Süd)

Kenny Colston

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (Mittlerer Westen)

Common Causes Netzwerk nationaler und staatlicher Experten für Demokratiereformen ist häufig als Medienkommentator tätig. Um mit einem unserer Experten zu sprechen, wenden Sie sich bitte an ein Mitglied des oben genannten Presseteams.


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4028 Ergebnisse


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PolitiFact: On Nov. 7, 2023, Pennsylvania voting machines were “flipping votes,” which is evidence of “election fraud.”


PolitiFact: On Nov. 7, 2023, Pennsylvania voting machines were “flipping votes,” which is evidence of “election fraud.”

Five local voting rights advocacy groups, including Common Cause Pennsylvania and the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, called the incident "an unfortunate situation caused by human error," but said it did not amount to election fraud.

"This is a programming error that is being weaponized for disinformation purposes," Philip Hensley-Robin, executive director of Common Cause Pennsylvania, told PolitiFact.

The Hill (Op-Ed): Internet voting remains a risky method of casting election ballots


The Hill (Op-Ed): Internet voting remains a risky method of casting election ballots

Unfortunately, online voting is not yet a secure method of casting a ballot. The risks are many. Malware on a voter’s personal device could alter a voter’s selections or replace ballot images with fakes. Experts have noted that “Consumer-grade devices with consumer-grade protections are no match for a motivated attacker, particularly if the attacker is a nation-state.” Targeted denial of service attacks could disenfranchise thousands of voters and alter election outcomes.  Voter authentication credentials could be stolen. The list...

Politico: Inside Mike Johnson’s Ties to a Far-Right Movement to Gut the Constitution


Politico: Inside Mike Johnson’s Ties to a Far-Right Movement to Gut the Constitution

Watchdog groups like the American Constitution Society and Common Cause are sounding the alarm over the real danger of such a convention.

“The worst case scenario is that [an Article V convention] puts all of our cherished constitutional rights and civil rights completely up for grabs,” Stephen Spaulding, vice president of Common Cause, testified at Johnson’s subcommittee hearing last month.

PolitiFact: Dispelling a common myth about fentanyl as election workers get letters with traces of the substance


PolitiFact: Dispelling a common myth about fentanyl as election workers get letters with traces of the substance

"Election officials are just doing their job — they are not putting their thumb on the scale, they are not in charge of what the results are," said Suzanne Almeida, state operations director at Common Cause, a group advocating for accessible voting. "They are incredibly dedicated public servants, especially in the face of these threats."

Justizausschuss des Senats wird Vorladungen an Spender ausstellen, die in Ethikskandale des Obersten Gerichtshofs verwickelt sind


Justizausschuss des Senats wird Vorladungen an Spender ausstellen, die in Ethikskandale des Obersten Gerichtshofs verwickelt sind

"Der Justizausschuss des Senats sieht sich mit der Blockadehaltung derjenigen konfrontiert, die für nicht gemeldete Luxusreisen bezahlt haben. Er muss die Wahrheit herausfinden, indem er von seinem Vorladungsrecht Gebrauch macht."

Washington Post: Noncitizen voting campaigns elicit different results in liberal Md. suburbs


Washington Post: Noncitizen voting campaigns elicit different results in liberal Md. suburbs

“We view municipalities as these laboratories of democracy. They’re able to implement a lot of the reforms that we’re working on at a state level,” said Joanne Antoine, executive director of grass-roots voter-advocacy group Common Cause Maryland.

“The more that municipalities pass these reforms, show that young people are capable of voting, the more we can push them elsewhere. … My hope is that we’ll come back to these things again,” she said.

Fort Worth Star-Telegram: New Texas law puts Tarrant County Republican primary in ‘jeopardy,’ GOP leader says


Fort Worth Star-Telegram: New Texas law puts Tarrant County Republican primary in ‘jeopardy,’ GOP leader says

Katya Ehresman, the voting rights program manager for Common Cause Texas, stressed that more voting isn’t a problem. Having more polling places in counties that are growing should always be a goal, she said. The real issue that should be addressed is the chronic underfunding of election system, she said.

“The biggest issue is election administration and making sure that we can do that well funded and equitably, and that’s not something that Senate Bill 924 created an issue with,” Ehresman said. “That’s something that...

Cleveland.com/The Plain Dealer:‘Dozens’ of Ohio State University students say they never got their mail ballots, voting advocates say


Cleveland.com/The Plain Dealer:‘Dozens’ of Ohio State University students say they never got their mail ballots, voting advocates say

Voting-rights advocates said Tuesday that they’ve heard from students, including “dozens” at Ohio State University, who have said they never got the mail ballot they requested for today’s election.

Mia Lewis, associate director of Common Cause Ohio, said they’ve encountered these students as they’ve showed up at polling places this morning on OSU’s campus to try to vote.

Lewis said that other than in college towns, state data doesn’t show an unusually high number of outstanding absentee ballots...

WUNC (NPR): Here’s what you need to know about the new voter ID law


WUNC (NPR): Here’s what you need to know about the new voter ID law

Though many North Carolinians may have already experienced their first brush with the state's new voter ID laws during this year's municipal election cycle, there are still some questions residents may have about the new requirements.

Host Jeff Tiberii sat down with Tyler Daye, policy and civic engagement manager for Common Cause North Carolina to discuss a host of issues, including which IDs are valid, whether or not an expired driver's license can be used at the polls and how to obtain a valid ID for free.

Salon: Ohio Republicans use taxpayer funds to boost “absolutely false” anti-abortion claims ahead of vote


Salon: Ohio Republicans use taxpayer funds to boost “absolutely false” anti-abortion claims ahead of vote

"I get very worried. How do you have a democracy that is functional with so much misinformation?" Catherine Turcer, the executive director of government accountability group Common Cause Ohio, which endorsed Issue 1, told Salon. "Because we need good information to make decisions, and the misinformation doesn't just cloud the decision-making process, it doesn't just leave people with true misunderstandings. It can also completely turn off people so that they decide to opt out."

Turcer said canvassers reported that constituents...

WHYY (NPR Philadelphia): N.J. is sending ANCHOR property tax rebate checks right before the election. Some pro-democracy watchdog groups question the timing


WHYY (NPR Philadelphia): N.J. is sending ANCHOR property tax rebate checks right before the election. Some pro-democracy watchdog groups question the timing

Heather Ferguson, director of state operations for the watchdog group Common Cause, said checks distributed 30 days before the election can lead to a public perception problem.

“Everyone needs to take a lot of caution in ensuring that the perception is not that there are different tactics being used for electioneering purposes or to influence the vote,” she said. “The perception of a move like this, to send money to voters in the 30 days just preceding an election could certainly raise some suspicions.”

HuffPost: The Supreme Court Shot Down Mike Johnson’s Argument Against Certifying The 2020 Election


HuffPost: The Supreme Court Shot Down Mike Johnson’s Argument Against Certifying The 2020 Election

“It’s a really contorted argument to try to say, ‘Hey, we have to throw out this election in this jurisdiction but not for other offices,’” said Aaron Scherb, director of legislative affairs for Common Cause, a nonprofit involved in the arguments before the Supreme Court in Moore.



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