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Trump Must Sign Ethics Pledge & Transition Documents


Trump Must Sign Ethics Pledge & Transition Documents

President-elect Donald Trump still has not signed legal documents – including an ethics pledge - needed to formally begin his administration’s transition of power. Candidates usually file these documents well in advance of the election. As a result of this delay, the government cannot provide security clearances, briefings and resources to Trump’s incoming team before he is sworn into office on January 20th.


David Vance

Nationaler Medienstratege

Katie Scally


Ariana Marmolejo

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (West)

Jennifer Garcia

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (Süd)

Kenny Colston

Regionaler Kommunikationsstratege (Mittlerer Westen)

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4035 Results


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4035 Results


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Tallahassee Democrat (Op-Ed): Floridas Legislative und Gouverneur DeSantis trampeln auf unserem Wahlrecht herum


Tallahassee Democrat (Op-Ed): Floridas Legislative und Gouverneur DeSantis trampeln auf unserem Wahlrecht herum

Wenn wir eine Demokratie wollen, die für alle funktioniert, müssen wir es schwieriger machen, die Politik durch Geld zu beeinflussen und es wahlberechtigten Floridianern einfacher machen, ihr Wahlrecht auszuüben. 

Doch das Gegenteil ist in Florida der Fall: Dort errichten die Gesetzgeber des Bundesstaates eine ganze Reihe unnötiger und verwirrender Hürden für die Bürger Floridas, die an unserer Demokratie teilhaben wollen.

States Newsroom/Wisconsin Examiner: GOP-led states plan new voter data systems to replace one they rejected. Good luck with that.


States Newsroom/Wisconsin Examiner: GOP-led states plan new voter data systems to replace one they rejected. Good luck with that.

“We would have no problem with the state setting up something that followed federal law and somehow getting a bunch of other states to go along with it,” said Julia Vaughn, the executive director of Common Cause Indiana, which brought the lawsuit against the state. “But good luck doing that with one individual state with no real expertise in this, and no reputation as some entity that other states should trust their voter registration lists with.”

The Mercury News: Court upholds California’s anti-pay-to-play law barring votes benefiting campaign contributors


The Mercury News: Court upholds California’s anti-pay-to-play law barring votes benefiting campaign contributors

The law was backed by the good governance organization California Common Cause, which described it as “a common sense and long overdue pro-democracy reform” that already exists in other states and in certain California cities.

Striking down the law would go against the “will of the people,” said Jonathan Mehta Stein, executive director of California Common Cause.

“This law protects Californians from the pay-to-play corruption and the appearance of corruption that plagues our cities and counties, and...

Oregon Capital Chronicle (Op-Ed): Gesetzesvorschlag in Oregon sieht Erweiterung der Wählerlisten vor


Oregon Capital Chronicle (Op-Ed): Gesetzesvorschlag in Oregon sieht Erweiterung der Wählerlisten vor

Wenn wir möchten, dass die Wahlen in Oregon den Willen des Volkes voll und ganz widerspiegeln, dann sollte jeder wahlberechtigte Bürger Oregons, der teilnehmen möchte, problemlos die Möglichkeit haben, sich registrieren zu lassen und seine Stimme abzugeben.

Die Wählerregistrierung sollte keine lästige Pflicht sein – weder für Sie, noch für mich, noch für sonst jemanden.

Common Cause Files Amicus Brief Defending Independent Redistricting in High-Stakes Anti-Gerrymandering Case


Common Cause Files Amicus Brief Defending Independent Redistricting in High-Stakes Anti-Gerrymandering Case

Common Cause has filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court of the State of Utah to protect the 2018 voter-approved citizens redistricting commission in League of Women Voters of Utah v. Utah State Legislature. In the brief, the national, anti-gerrymandering group underscores how the state has ignored the will of the people by passing legislation that imposes impartial voting maps and abandons the key principles of fair redistricting.

Times Union (Op-Ed): Um die Wahlbeteiligung zu steigern, muss die Formulierung auf den Stimmzetteln vereinfacht werden


Times Union (Op-Ed): Um die Wahlbeteiligung zu steigern, muss die Formulierung auf den Stimmzetteln vereinfacht werden

Im Jahr 2024 werden die Wähler erneut mit einer Flut landesweiter Abstimmungsvorschläge zu wichtigen Themen konfrontiert. Wenn wir das Gesetz zur Klartextsprache bis dahin nicht verabschieden, laufen wir Gefahr, dass die Wähler verwirrt und entmutigt werden und sich vom Verfahren abwenden. Wähler aller Sprachen und Lese- und Schreibniveaus haben Anspruch auf gleichen Zugang zur Wahlurne. 

Indianapolis Star: Voting rights advocates worry new Indiana law will disenfranchise vulnerable voters


Indianapolis Star: Voting rights advocates worry new Indiana law will disenfranchise vulnerable voters

It's likely the law will be challenged in court. Common Cause Indiana Executive Director Julia Vaughn said "it creates serious questions about violations of the United States Constitution and the Civil Rights Act."

Several organizations including Common Cause say the legislation would disproportionately affect the elderly, minorities who already facing barriers to voting and voters who use alternate voting methods like travel boards or the military post card application. Voting rights groups are especially worried those who are...

Mother Jones: Republicans Are Trying to Seize Control Over Voting In Texas’ Largest Democratic County


Mother Jones: Republicans Are Trying to Seize Control Over Voting In Texas’ Largest Democratic County

Harris County has become the epicenter for what Common Cause Texas calls the “Texas Edition of the Big Lie.” 

“It’s a really intentional form of partisan takeovers of local election offices,” says Katya Ehresman, voting rights program manager for Common Cause Texas.

Texas Tribune: Harris County must remove its elections chief under new legislation headed to Gov. Greg Abbott


Texas Tribune: Harris County must remove its elections chief under new legislation headed to Gov. Greg Abbott

“All of these changes together are forcing Harris County voters to live in a different set of circumstances than the rest of the state. This is creating a disparate scenario for those voters and barriers to well run elections,” said Katya Ehresman, voting rights program director at Common Cause Texas. “There’s a clear partisan element to that with Harris County growing in its Democratic stronghold. But there’s also definitely a disparate racial impact element to these bills continuing to pass as the county is home to the largest...

Unions, public interest advocates thwart hedge fund’s attempted takeover of local news and set groundbreaking FCC precedent  


Unions, public interest advocates thwart hedge fund’s attempted takeover of local news and set groundbreaking FCC precedent  

“Today’s developments are a resounding win – we say YES to long term investment in local newsrooms that make America’s democracy stronger,” said Kathay Feng, Vice President for Programs at Common Cause.

Arizona Republic: After vowing to back LGBTQ Arizonans, Hobbs vetoes bill on transgender student names


Arizona Republic: After vowing to back LGBTQ Arizonans, Hobbs vetoes bill on transgender student names

"The Voter Privacy Violation Act was pushed under the false guise of transparency when in reality, it was based on conspiracies and would have only served to further facilitate the rampant spread of election misinformation," Common Cause Arizona Program Director
Jenny Guzman said in a statement.



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